Signs You Are Succeeding In Life

B2 – Upper Intermediate

We all probably have moments at times when we feel like we are a complete and utter failure. While this is a normal feeling, you have to find a way to see yourself and your life from a different perspective.

Sometimes we ignore the “little things.” Just because you are not a millionaire, don’t live in a mansion, and you don’t drive a fancy car, doesn’t mean you are any less successful than your peers. In fact, it’s quite the contrary.

Read the article about signs that you are succeeding in life even if it feels otherwise at times.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Name some of signs from the article that you think are the most important and also state the reasons they are crucial in order to say you are succeeding in life.
  2. Which ones you have yet to achieve? How are you planning to get there?
  3. What are things or situations in our lives that make us feel that somehow we are failing? How can we overcome them?
  4. Share your thoughts on this, “If you are happy, then you are succeeding in life.“.
  5. What are your thoughts on this, “If you can change your negative perspective on situations to a positive one, then you are successful.”?
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4 replies on “Signs You Are Succeeding In Life”

1)Name some signs from the article that you think are the most important and also state the reasons they are crucial in order to say you are succeeding in life.
I think people should have goals or targets in their lives to using them as fuel for personal growing and happiness achievements.
For me, the most important is to be capable of seeing the difference between things we can’t change on life and the ones we can change, being capable of accepting the first ones and changing the second ones.
2)Wich ones you have yet to achieve? How are you planning to get there?
I think that the secret for being happy is the knowledge enough for appreciating the little things we have daily on our lives and the knowledge for being less obsessive for the targets we haven’t still achieved.
And a very crucial fact for succeeding in life is to be capable of living without the continuous applaud from people around you.
3)What are things or situations in our lives that make us feel that somehow we are falling?. How can we overcome them?
Choosing a wrong target in our lives, impossible to achieve. This is a situation like crashing time after time against a wall. You must choose possible targets.
Accepting the things impossible to be changed in your life and learn to live with them.
Seing people around obtaining their targets and you never doing it. You must be more focused on your own targets.
4)Share your thoughts on this, “If you are happy, then you are succeeding in life”.
Sometimes, the way for try to achieve happiness, composed by your fight and efforts to achieve it, can be a source of happiness by themselves and a sign you are succeeding too.
5)What are your thoughts on this, “If you can change your negative perspective on situations to a positive one, then you are successful.”?
I totally agree with this thought because sometimes, in extreme situations, ypur life and survival may depend on that ability and in your daily life this attitude can provides you more happiness.
Being uncapable of changing to a positive perspective only will feed our bittenes and stress.

Thank you for taking the time to answer all the discussion questions here. You gave your all in explaining your thoughts elaborately.

Look at better expressions you can use in these sentences:

I totally agree with this thought because sometimes, in extreme situations, ypur life and survival may depend on that ability and in your daily life this attitude can provides you more happiness.
Being uncapable of changing to a positive perspective only will feed our bittenes and stress.

I totally agree with this thought because sometimes, in extreme situations, your life and survival may depend on that ability and in your daily life, this attitude can give you more happiness. Being incapable of changing the way you think to a positive perspective will only feed our bitterness and stress.

Keep up the good job!

1. How would you describe “success?”

The definition of success is personal. Something is a success when the outcome turns out well, so success is feeling you accomplished what you wanted (at work, in life,etc.). Success is spending the majority of my time focused on tasks that are fulfilling, and providing me with experiences that I desire.

2. Do you sometimes feel that you’re not succeeding at life?

Yes, I do. But I think it’s an experience that everyone feels sometimes in life. For instance, when you scroll through social media and see other people landing new jobs, travelling to cool places, doing fun and interesting things, and you compare yourself to them and realize you haven’t done nearly as much.

3. Which of the signs mentioned in the article do you observe within you?

I especially appreciate that setbacks and failure are part of self-growth. We can´t have success 100% of the time

4. Was there ever a time in your life when you totally gave up on something?

People always say, “Never give up.” But I think that sometimes is clever realized that blind persistence could turn into an exhausting and useless quest. I wasted time and effort trying to reach a higher position in my company until I wondered if I should persevere a little longer. Then, I realized that there were plenty of new opportunities to reach and it might be time to reconsider the reasons I continue trying. And I did it.

Those are some interesting insights regarding the topic of Success. Thank you for your well-written responses.

Here is how you can say this piece better:

But I think that sometimes is clever realized that blind persistence could turn into an exhausting and useless quest.
But I think that sometimes, it is more clever to realize that blind persistence could turn into an exhausting and useless quest.

Well said, by the way! Keep up the good job.

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