Egg Freezing Perk for Female Employees

B1 – Intermediate

Apple and Facebook are among the biggest tech firms known for giving their employees, some might call, “awesome” work perks.

Recently, some companies decided they will provide financial assistance to their female staff should they opt to go for egg-freezing in their 20s or 30s.

Read the article to know more about this egg freezing perk.

Discussion Questions:

1. What do you think of this perk?
2. What are your thoughts on this statement: “When [IVF] is done purely to protect their job, I think it’s extraordinary that women think this is liberating.”?
3. What unique perks are given to employees at your company?
4. What perks do you want your company to start giving out to its employees?
5. What do you think is the best age to start having children. Tell some reasons why.

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24 replies on “Egg Freezing Perk for Female Employees”

1. What do you think of this perk?
In my opinion is interesting but probably is related to ads the company
2. What are your thoughts on this statement: “When [IVF] is done purely to protect their job, I think it’s extraordinary that women think this is liberating.”? I think is strange because they can give you a bonus and you can choose what spend it on
3. What unique perks are given to employees at your company?
We can receive perks in Amazon after 10, 15 or 25 years in the company
4. What perks do you want your company to start giving out to its employees? I miss a Christmas gift that we used to have in the past
5. What do you think is the best age to start having children. Tell some reasons why.
I think the best age is around 33 , you are not very old and you are still strong to stand by your family

Good going with your writing practice.

See how you can properly punctuate this one:

In my opinion is interesting but probably is related to ads the company

In my opinion, it is interesting, but probably is related to ads merely marketing the company.

Keep being consistent with your practice to improve further.

1. In my opinion the companies are taking control of their employee’s lives. It’s a way of controlling maternity leave for their employees, and in a certain way they guarantee that these can be delayed.
2.Although some women could believe this is liberating I think is quite the opposite, is a controlling measure of the companies.
3.The perks most common in my company are private health insurance and ticket restaurants.
4. Perhaps a Christmas gift basket with an Iberian Ham it would be fantastic.
5. Is so complicated to define the best age to start having children because a women have to had the perfect partner, the economic level to afford it and not being very old to avoid fertility problems. In my opinion it’s better to have children between the ages of 25 and 35.

1. In my opinion the companies are taking control of their employee’s lives. It’s a way of controlling maternity leave for their employees, and in a certain way they guarantee that these can be delayed.
2.Although some women could believe this is liberating I think is quite the opposite, is a controlling measure of the companies.
3.The perks most common in my company are private health insurance and ticket restaurants.
4. Perhaps a Christmas gift basket with an Iberian Ham it would be fantastic.
5. Is so complicated to define the best age to start having children because a women have to had the perfect parnter, the economic level to afford it and not being very old to avoid fertility problems. In my opinion it’s better to have children between the ages of 25 and 35.

You are doing well with your writing practice. Keep it up.

See how you can revise this sentence a bit:

Although some women could believe this is liberating I think is quite the opposite, is a controlling measure of the companies.

Although some women could believe this is liberating, I think it is quite the opposite. I feel that it is actually a controlling measure of the companies.

Keep writing.

1- In my opinion it’s a controversial measure because in part it gives me the feeling that they are taking control over your life and trying to prioritize your professional career over your family life. And it’s also unnatural.
2-For many women, this choice can feel like a real opportunity, as it allows them to focus their energies on their career without the urgency of the biological clock. However, the problem arises when the work context or company culture makes this choice seem less free and more necessary, as if it were the only way to progress without interrupting one’s career.
3-At my previous company we had other benefits, e.g. private health insurance, tickets restaurants, payment for travel in public transport, payment for children’s school material, pension plan, etc.
4-I think the companies should must offer pension plan benefits, as well as private health insurance, because in Spain we have public healthcare, but after the Covid pandemic, the quality of this service has decreased.
5-I don’t think there is an exact best age to have children, it’s depends, it’s a personal decisión, because it depends on each person’s circumstances, for example, 20-30 is the best age biologically speaking. But by 30-40, many people have achieved greater financial stability and a more solid job position, which can offer a more secure economic base for raising a child. By age 30, many people have reached a level of emotional maturity and experience that can improve their ability to face the challenges of parenthood.

Nice work with your answers to this lesson’s discussion questions.

This is a well-written sentence. However, take note of where commas (,) should go in this sentence:

In my opinion it’s a controversial measure because in part it gives me the feeling that they are taking control over your life and trying to prioritize your professional career over your family life.

In my opinion, it’s a controversial measure because in part, it gives me the feeling that they are taking control over your life and trying to prioritize your professional career over your family life.

Continue with this exercise in order to maintain your progress.

1. What do you think of this perk?
– I don’t think it is bad, but i feel like Employeers never give something for free, what I understand it is that they don’t want them to get pregnant.
2. What are your thoughts on this statement: “When [IVF] is done purely to protect their job, I think it’s extraordinary that women think this is liberating.”?
– I am totally agree. Are they offering a perk or forcing women to not get pregnant?
3. What unique perks are given to employees at your company?
– My perks are very common. Tickect restaurant, health insurance…
4. What perks do you want your company to start giving out to its employees?
. I want them to pay for my hobbies, all that things that make me continue in my job.
5. What do you think is the best age to start having children. Tell some reasons why.
– I think the best age is the age in which you want to be a father or mother. Of course knowing that fertility has an expiration date.

You are doing a very good job staying consistent with your writing practice.

Here is a sentence that can still be revised:

I don’t think it is bad, but i feel like Employeers never give something for free, what I understand it is that they don’t want them to get pregnant.

I don’t think it is bad, but i feel like employers never give something for free. From what I understand, it is that they don’t want their female employees to get pregnant.

Keep up the great work!

1. In my opinion, egg freezing is a very strange perk for a company. I think this is something very personal.
2. I do not agree with this statement. I think that a woman has to be free to be a mother when she wants, and it depends on each person.
3. The perks that my company are given are “very normal”, no strange things. Very common benefits (medical check-up, health insurance etc).
4. A good perk would be a car, discounts at hotel companies, travel agencies, shops etc.
5. The “right” age to have a child according to your biological clock is under 35 for women. Over 40 years can be a risk for the mother and baby. I think the best age is between 25-30 years of age.

Well done sharing your opinion about this topic.

Take a look at this sentence and see how it can be improved:

Over 40 years can be a risk for the mother and baby.

Getting pregnant over 40 years old can be a risky for both the mother and the baby.

Remember to enjoy your writing practice.

1. What do you think of this perk?
I think that any benefit for the employees is good and welcome. There are women who surely advantage of it.
2. What are your thoughts on this statement: “When [IVF] is done purely to protect their job, I think it’s extraordinary that women think this is liberating.”?
🤦‍♂️, I can’t believe it. this only is for the benefits of the company, although it is possible that some employees can use it and they think that is liberating.
3. What unique perks are given to employees at your company?
there are no exclusive advantages, just some detail from time to time.
4. What perks do you want your company to start giving out to its employees?
I would like to be given the day off on my birthday
5. What do you think is the best age to start having children. Tell some reasons why.
Between 25 and 33 because is when there are less risks of complications for the babies and women and because when the women will be 50’s, their sons are adults.

You try to give it everything when it comes to your writing practice. That’s great.

Note a better way to write this sentence:

Between 25 and 33 because is when there are less risks of complications for the babies and women and because when the women will be 50’s, their sons are adults.

I think that the best age to have children is between 25 and 33 because it is when there are less risks of complications for both the baby and the mother. and because Another reason is that when the mother is in her 50s, her children will be adults who can take care of themselves and the mother can regain her freedom to do things for herself again somehow.

Always enjoy your writing practice.

1. I think that this benefit is very controversial, it is possible that it could be seen as a way of putting pressure on women to have to postpone their maternity even though they really want to have leaves at 20-30 years of age.
2. I think that there are more important things than work
3. Perhaps teleworking is the best benefit that my company offers
4. I don’t know, maybe reduced hours in summer
5. I think that’s a women’s decision. In my experience (I have two children), if you are too old to have children, you will not be able to enjoy them. In the case of having a child at 40-45 years of age, it have to think that when the child will be 10 years old, the mother will be 50-55 years old, which may begin, for example, to have mobility problems. I think that the work should be a tool to reach your dreams

You are definitely doing your best here.

Here is how you can write this sentence better:

In my experience (I have two children), if you are too old to have children, you will not be able to enjoy them.

In my experience having two children myself, if you were too old when you had them, you won’t be able to enjoy them.

Keep it up!

1. What do you think of this perk?
It´s a perk very personality, women in their 20´s or 30´s, may be, haven´t the same prioritys and after they are repentant because they would like a family, in this case, is interesting but it´s very perssonal and the employers is the last resource in my opinion. May be it´s a measure to encourage presence
2. What are your thoughts on this statement: “When [IVF] is done purely to protect their job, I think it’s extraordinary that women think this is liberating.”?
taking decisions into the future without natural limits facilities the life men and women but i think those decisions are too much importants that a job.
3. What unique perks are given to employees at your company?
restaurant pass, corporative vehicle, life and healt insurances, nurserys
4. What perks do you want your company to start giving out to its employees?
more free time, flex work, i think there are good beneficts in general.
5. What do you think is the best age to start having children. Tell some reasons why.
I think the 30´s is the best age to start having children, before you had time for yourself and enjoy the life, after, your children ask a lot of time and energy and the age may be a problem

Continue using this platform and this exercise to improve your writing more and more. Just keep going!

Take a look at how you can write these sentences correctly:

It´s a perk very personality, women in their 20´s or 30´s, may be, haven´t the same prioritys and after they are repentant because they would like a family, in this case, is interesting but it´s very perssonal and the employers is the last resource in my opinion. May be it´s a measure to encourage presence

It´s a perk that is too personal. Women in their 20´s or 30´s, might not have the same priorities and later on, they regret not having done this when they were younger and when they’re older, they would like to start a family. In any case, it is interesting but it´s very personal and in my opinion, in this kind of decisions, the employers should be the last resort. Maybe it´s a measure to encourage employee retention.

Have a good time improving your writing skills.

1. What do you think of this perk? I think that what we have to discuss is why women need this kind of perk and why they can’t have children when it’s suposed to be.
2. What are your thoughts on this statement: “When [IVF] is done purely to protect their job, I think it’s extraordinary that women think this is liberating.”? I think that we have a problem in our society if women can’t have children because of the work. Maybe these comanies need to offer different perks like flexible working hours, working from home, etc.
3. What unique perks are given to employees at your company? We have the common ones like ticket restaurant or health insurance.
4. What perks do you want your company to start giving out to its employees? Maybe some ones related to health like reduction in gym fees.
5. What do you think is the best age to start having children. Tell some reasons why. I think that the best age is when you feel prepared to it because you have this feeling of having children and also your personal and economic conditions allow it. Obviusly we can’t forget that after 40 years old pregnancy is more dangerous than when you are younger.

1. What do you think of this perk?
It is very unusual perk; I don’t know if to think well o bad about this perk. Could I take this decision as they do that to have not woman pregnant at work or delay it as much possible? I think that we are manipulate too much the nature for our interest and it is not good.
2. What are your thoughts on this statement: “When [IVF] is done purely to protect their job, I think it’s extraordinary that women think this is liberating.”?
Do they think that having a child is imprisoning themselves?
To have a baby shouldn’t avoid to grow in your company, and I think that to have a baby give you more competencies that they are good for the companies

2. What unique perks are given to employees at your company?
The most common are ticket restaurant, medical assurance.

4. What perks do you want your company to start giving out to its employees?
The one that I would like would be flexibility.

5. What do you think is the best age to start having children. Tell some reasons why.
I think that the best age to start having children is between 30-36 years old. The mains reasons are:
– You could enjoy of your couple before to have kids
– You are more mature
– You start to have a stable work
– You are earning more money

Good job improving your skills through this exercise.

Turn this answer into a full sentence:

I think that the best age to start having children is between 30-36 years old. The mains reasons are:
– You could enjoy of your couple before to have kids
– You are more mature
– You start to have a stable work
– You are earning more money

I think that the best age to start having children is between 30-36 years old. The mains reasons are that you can enjoy of your partner before having kids, you are more mature, you start to have a stable work, and you are earning more money.

Keep working on your writing skills more and more.

1. What do you think of this perk?
I respect women who value these advantages and I can understand their reasons, but if the reason why they value this advantage is just to save their professional career, I think it is not the best solution, in my opinion there are other ways to make the career compatible professional life of a woman and her maternity, for example flexible schedules, nurseries in offices or factories.
2. What are your thoughts on this statement: “When [IVF] is done purely to protect their job, I think it’s extraordinary that women think this is liberating.”?
As I have commented in the previous answer, it can be liberating for some women, it is an option, but I think it is not the best option.

3. What unique perks are given to employees at your company?
In my company, the unique perks offered to its employees are, among others, ticket restaurant, access to private medical insurance, reduction in gym fees, English classes,

4. What perks do you want your company to start giving out to its employees?
The perks offered by my company are in accordance with its size, perhaps it would be interesting to offer some help or system for childcare near the office.

5. What do you think is the best age to start having children. Tell some reasons why.
In my opinion, the best age to start having children is before the age of thirty. From the point of view of health, at this age there is less risk of complications for the child and for the mother than if one is a forty-year-old woman.

Impressive job penning your responses. Here is how you can structure this sentence better:

From the point of view of health, at this age there is less risk of complications for the child and for the mother than if one is a forty-year-old woman.

If we consider health, there are less risks of complications for the child and for the mother at this age than with women in their 40s.

Your skills are getting stronger and stronger. Keep up the good job!

1. What do you think of this perk?
In my opinion this perk is a fantastic idea for the employees in some companies such as Apple or Facebook, because all procedures about IVF are so expensive and I think that if the company takes this option, could be a perk due to a female/male is in be in fertile age can freezing their eggs and they will be use more years after and ensure that the process will be done.

2. What are your thoughts on this statement: “When [IVF] is done purely to protect their job, I think it’s extraordinary that women think this is liberating.”?
I think that this perk not only for protect their job but is a one possibility that their companies offer to their employees to increase the facilities to get a baby in more years later. However, in my opinion, some companies should be accepted the process of women´s pregnancy and should be permitted that all womens could be pregnancy when she wants.

3. What unique perks are given to employees at your company?
In my company for example there are some perks to employees: there is a insurance life, ticket restaurant and health insurance. Also, my company offers to employees 28 working days for holidays.

4. What perks do you want your company to start giving out to its employees?
I would like for example that in time of COVID-19, the company could be covered the cost of internet and light when the employees are working in their houses.

5. What do you think is the best age to start having children. Tell some reasons why.
Always I said that I would like a younger mum, like a 28 years old, because in my opinion, I think that the force that you have with this years not is the same that when you have more years. Other opinion that I have, is that now the most of people are working a lot to gain a lot of money and saving this money for when the pregnancy becomes. However, a due to this reason, a lot of people have a pregnancy so later, and all the money which are saving should be spent in IFV.

Your efforts in writing your answers down can be clearly seen. Thank you for always giving it your all.

Take a look at some minor corrections in this sentence:

In my opinion this perk is a fantastic idea for the employees in some companies such as Apple or Facebook, because all procedures about IVF are so expensive and I think that if the company takes this option, could be a perk due to a female/male is in be in fertile age can freezing their eggs and they will be use more years after and ensure that the process will be done.
In my opinion, this perk is a fantastic idea for the employees of some companies such as Apple and Facebook because all procedures related to IVF are so expensive and I think that if companies offer this option, it could be beneficial due to the fact that a female/male who is in their fertile age can freeze their eggs and they will be able to use them in the future and they can also ensure that the process will be done.

Excellent job!

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