How Warren Buffett Made Billions

C1 – Advanced

Warren Buffett is arguably one of the richest men on earth. He is also one of the most successful investors in all of history. In addition, he has donated a sizable $30.80 billion to charity.

His life and success story is one that many people admire.

Watch the video below and discover how it all started for him and find out the steps he took to get all the way to being one of the wealthiest and most successful man.

Discussion Questions:

1. Tell Warren Buffett’s success story.
2. What are some business principles you learned from his story?
3. What businesses would you be interested to invest in?
4. If you would become a multi-billionnaire like Buffett, will you donate to charitable causes too? Which causes would you like to donate to?
5. Although Buffett’s one of the richest men, he remains frugal in his ways. What are your thoughts on this?

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