‘Ghosts’ Keep Frightened Indonesians Inside, Away from Coronavirus

B2 – Upper Intermediate

According to the audio, Kepuh Village in Indonesia has deployed a team of ‘ghosts’ to scare people and keep them staying indoors after evening prayers. Some volunteers dress as “Pocong”. In Indonesian folklores, Pocongs are trapped souls of the dead. The village leaders have decided to take their own measures to keep people safe from Corona Virus.

Hear more information about it in the audio below.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What was your reaction to the audio?
  2. Do you believe ghosts are real? Why or why not? If yes, talk about some ghost stories you have/know of.
  3. How can this affect people’s mindset?
  4. Do you think this could work in your country?
  5. What are some ways to keep people indoors?
  6. What are you thoughts on Widodo’s measures?
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2 replies on “‘Ghosts’ Keep Frightened Indonesians Inside, Away from Coronavirus”

I was surprised when I listened to the recording. In my opinion, culture and beliefs are crucial in Indonesia. This is the reason why people disguised as ghosts are able to keep people in their homes. In my country this measure would not work, people would have thought that it was a joke.
Personally speaking, I don’t believe in ghosts because I have not ever seen one. On the other hand, my wife says that there was a ghost in her mother’s house therefore she believes in them. Once I visited the house, I indeed felt strange things. That house was very cold and at night I listened to strange noises. I think it was a dream due to all the stories that my wife had told me.
I firmly believe that Widodo’s measures are wrong because they can have a bad effect on the mental health of the people. Without a doubt, the best measure would be to inform people of scientific data. Explaining to them how to protect themselves from this dangerous illness.

Very interesting insights. Well done writing them down. Here is one correction for you:

In my country this measure would not work, people would have thought that it was a joke.
> In my country, this measure would not work as people would think that it is a joke.

Keep at it!

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