Students Face Challenges with Online Learning

C1 – Advanced

The Covid-19 has changed the lives of children and families around the world. Schools have closed in many countries thereby disrupting education. Due to the closures, many school districts with internet access are shifting into online instruction. With the adoption of online learning, many people wonder if it could replace the traditional learning in the classroom.

Watch the video and be able to answer the questions that follow:

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are the challenges of students and parents in online learning?
  2. What are the the positive sides of learning online?
  3. Do you think online learning is as effective as formal, traditional learning in a classroom? Why/Why not?
  4. Do you think this kind of learning will persist after the pandemic?
  5. What do you think is the impact of online education to the worldwide education market?
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2 replies on “Students Face Challenges with Online Learning”

What are the challenges of students and parents in online learning?
There are two major challenges for both parents and students while trying the online learning, first, it is supposed that every student should have the necessary equipment to follow online classes, which is simply not true; and second, parents also should have work conciliation to
accompany their children, which sometimes could happen and others don’t.

What are the the positive sides of learning online?
As working from home, you can focus all your attention on the task or on the learning that you are being given without distractions. Also sometimes classes could be repeated if they are being recorded in case of having a doubt.

Do you think online learning is as effective as formal, traditional learning in a classroom? Why/Why not?
It could effective but not as efficient as traditional learning. Being a student is not only the purpose of learning, but also the whole experience of sharing your knowledge with your colleages, having a question to the teacher who could explain the same concept in another way, and being in a room put the students in the mood of learning more than watching a screen.

Do you think this kind of learning will persist after the pandemic?
Mostly not, I think that there would be a mixed learning way between on site and online learning. Online learning could be optional, but onsite learning have to be mandatory.

What do you think is the impact of online education to the worldwide education market?
We couldn’t deny the huge amount of online training that’s being taking place over the last year, people want to take advantage of being at home to do something produtive either for they immediate or mid-term future. The impact of this new demand should be satisfied by specialized people that could teach and/or train others.

These are well-constructed sentences. Your efforts are clearly paying off. Great work!

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We couldn’t deny the huge amount of online training that’s being taking place over the last year, people want to take advantage of being at home to do something produtive either for they immediate or mid-term future.

We couldn’t deny the fact that there has been a huge number of training that have been held online since last year. People obviously want to take advantage of being at home to do something productive either for their immediate or mid-term goals.

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