Slow Travel

B1 – Intermediate

Traveling on vacation is absolutely enjoyable but it can also make us feel very tired from doing so many activities. Sometimes, after a holiday, when we return home, we feel like we need more days off to rest.

There is another way to enjoy your holiday so you don’t end up so exhausted after a vacation. It is to go on a “slow travel”.

Read the lesson and find out more about slow travels.

Many people travel to foreign countries for vacation. They spend two weeks in Italy, France, or another place. They see many museums, festivals, and important places. The vacation is interesting but very tiring. In fact, people need a vacation when they get home!

These days, more people try slow travel. “Slow travel” means people rent a house or apartment in one place for a long time, such as two weeks or one month. They go for walks nearby and meet locals. They visit the same cafes and restaurants every day. They go shopping for food and cook it at home too. In other words, slow travel means visitors live their lives in a home away from home.

More people prefer slow travel because it’s relaxing but interesting. Every place has so much to discover!


Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you like traveling? What do you usually like doing and where do you like going?
  2. What do you think about slow travel? Would you like to try it? Why or why not?
  3. Where do you want to go for your next vacation?
  4. What is your best travel? Talk about it.
  5. Describe your dream travel.
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