Coca-Cola Trials Paper Bottle

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Until the last couple of years, the concept of a paper bottle would seem at best an oxymoron, but innovations continue to break barriers in the pursuit of packaging that offers sustainability benefits, ideally aligned with recycling.

Soft drink manufacturers are facing pressure on two fronts: the amount of sugar in their drinks and the amount of plastic waste their products produce. Coca-Cola is attempting to solve that second problem with the development and testing of a paper bottle.

Read the article below to learn more about Coca-Cola’s project on eliminating plastic from its packaging entirely.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Are plastic bottles a problem in your country?
  2. Why are paper bottles better?
  3. What might be the technical challenges to the paper bottle?
  4. We rarely bought bottled water 50 years ago. Why do we buy so much today? Is it clever marketing by water companies?
  5. Would your life change much if all bottled water was banned?
  6. What do you do with the plastic bottles at your home?

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