Getting What You Want in a Negotiation

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Negotiating our way in the workplace can sound daunting and challenging. It can sometimes take all our energy preparing for it. Whether it’s something big or small, negotiating for something that we need for our job is part of our work life. Some might think that there are only certain people that are gifted with special skills to effectively negotiate their way through situations.  This is not true. These skills can be learned, and anyone can successfully and effectively negotiate once these skills are gained. 

Watch this video to learn the ways to be ready in negotiations:

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are your experiences with negotiations in the workplace?
  2. Do you feel worried when you think of negotiating? Why or why not?
  3. Which of these tips seems the easiest to do? Which seems the hardest?
  4. What are some effective ways that you use when negotiating in any situation?
  5. When was the last time you had a failed negotiation? What could you have done better in that situation?
  6. What are some tips that you can add to the list?
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