Bad Habits

B1 – Intermediate

A habit is understood as the process of demonstrating or committing a particular trait on a continuous basis. A person might adapt to a variety of harmful behaviors over time. Possessing a serious addiction, a dietary issue, or a variety of other disruptive behaviors are just a few examples.

Listen to the audio and read the transcript about bad habits.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How have you successfully gotten rid of a bad habit?
  2. What bad habits bother you the most?
  3. What good habits do you admire the most?
  4. What unusual habits do you observe in your family members? Do these habits bother you?
  5. How can an individual develop a good habit?
  6. Which habit is the most important for parents to set as an example for their children?
  7. Are we born with our bad habits or do we develop them from the environment we grew up in? Explain your point.
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2 replies on “Bad Habits”

* Before I was very impatient and now I can take it longer. I’m also trying to talk less and listen more. I would also like to speak lower because that annoys me.
* Suppose they are the ones that a lot of people. I don’t like people who smoke near me. Those who have no education, for example say hello when you are in a closed space. People who have hands-free phones and go screaming.
* I admire people who know how to listen, who speak without shouting. I admire people who do sports every day, who lead a healthy life.
*Some habits. They leave their clothes lying around, they don’t pick up anything at all.
* You can develop a good habit by practicing it. Everything takes time.
* Confidence in oneself and with respect to others.
* We are not born with bad habits, they are acquired over time.

Thank you for answering all our questions for this lesson. You definitely did a good job!

Here is a better way to write this sentence:

I would also like to speak lower because that annoys me.

I would also like to speak more softly because this bad habit annoys me when others do it.

Enjoy writing!

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