Kids Getting Older Younger

B2 – Upper Intermediate

New technology may be exposing children to more data, attempting to make them more cognitively sophisticated. Is it causing them to mature more quickly or more slowly than generations past? To see if they are undoubtedly growing up much quicker is a matter of interpretation. It may also be necessary to refresh what we consider are the accomplishments of transformation and what it tends to mean to leave the nest.

Let us read the full text to find out if children nowadays grow up quite quickly.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Is unlimited access to news, social media, and other privileges forcing the present generation into emotional maturity before they reach adulthood? Share your two cents on this.
  2. Do you agree or disagree that children now are more savvy than previous generations? Explain your stand.
  3. Do you think we’ve become obsessed with technology? Why or why not?
  4. How does technology affect children’s learning and development?
  5. What are the benefits and drawbacks of technology in education and to the new generation?
  6. Should we blame technology or failed parenting for KGOY?

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