Restrict Kids’ Youtube Settings

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Imagine that your child has started spending less time with you. He doesn’t share what’s going on in his life, where he’s been, or who his friends are.

This scenario has become all too familiar to some parents. Sadly, they’ve lost their kids to gadgets or technology.

Read the article to know how you can block inappropriate contents and not let social media interfere with your relationship with your loved ones.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “safeguard‘ mean? “An outline for parents to set up controls to add safeguards for kids.” Use this word in a sentence.
  2. What does “to spark outrage” mean? “Paul, a 22-year-old comedic actor with 15 million subscribers on YouTube, sparked outrage after posting a video which appeared to show the lifeless body of a person who committed suicide.” Use phrase word in a sentence.
  3. What does “to slip through the cracks” mean? “It can difficult for YouTube’s filter or algorithm to stop videos like Paul’s from slipping through the cracks due to the sheer volume of content that gets uploaded to YouTube daily.” Use this word in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Imagine an app you would like to use to keep track of some activity. What kind of app would it be exactly? Do you think such an app may already exist?
  2. Share your personal stand on allowing children to use the Internet without controlling them.
  3. What are some others way to ensure children’s safety when they go online?
  4. Do you know any family that control their kids too much? What do they do?
  5. How do you feel when if you can’t reach your loved ones by phone? Share your experience when you can’t contact a friend or family.
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