Minister of Loneliness

B1 – Intermediate

The Japanese government appointed Tetsushi Sakamoto to be the “minister of loneliness”. Since Japan has been having problems with the high number of suicide in their country, Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga created this role to help those people who are feeling lonely and isolated due to the coronavirus pandemic. They hope people could do activities that would improve interactions among themselves.

Let’s read the article below to learn more about the minister of loneliness.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Why did the Japanese government appoint a minister of loneliness?
  2. What is your opinion about a ministry of loneliness?
  3. What organizations were formed in your country during the pandemic?
  4. Do you think loneliness and isolation were a problem for many people in your country especially because of the pandemic? Why do you think this is?
  5. How can we know if someone is experiencing anxiety or depression?
  6. How can we help people who are dealing with negative thoughts?

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