Society and Life in the 1960s

B2 – Upper Intermediate

The sixties was a revolutionary time. It was a memorable point in history, filled with celebrations and controversies. This was not only evident in one country, but all across the globe.

Activism, inventions, conflict, and music painted a rich picture of this decade. These marked as a springboard for other developments and changes that came in the decades that followed.

Read the article below on what life was like in the 60s.

Discussion Questions:

1. What were some historical events in the 60s that you know about?
2. Who among these historical figures are you familiar with?
3. What would be some interesting things that you would want to try in this decade?
4. How was your country during this time?
5. What were some good and bad things that came out of the 60s?
6. What are some other memorable decades?
7. If you could travel in time, what decade would you go to and why?

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