The Challenge of Not Eating Food for 30 Days

B2 – Upper Intermediate

The famous YouTuber Mr. Beast is known for his extreme, over-the-top videos and most recently the vlogger attempted not eating food for 30 days, which would be his most dangerous challenge yet.

Though we all know that not eating food is dangerous, what is the immediate danger?

And there are many other questions that come from this type of challenge that can be quite insightful.

To find out more, let us watch this video.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are your thoughts on this?
  2. In your opinion, would you be able to not eat food (with supervision) for as long or longer than Mr. Beast?
  3. Before watching this video, did you know about refeeding syndrome?
  4. If you were to fast for 3 days, what would be your estimate as to how much carbohydrates you could eat?
  5. What are your thoughts on crash diet?

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