The Meaning of Life According to Different Philosophies

B2 – Upper Intermediate 

The meaning of life can be described in many ways: simple, absolute, soul-centered, non-existent, etc. Philosophers are occupied with the search for meaning and people of different ages ponder over this issue, sometimes driving themselves to anxiety and stress. 

Read the article below to find out what different philosophies have to say about this topic.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How has the meaning of life changed for you as you got older?
  2. Would you say that you have fulfilled your childhood dreams?
  3. Why are some people unable to free themselves from expectations?
  4. Is our life a predetermined path? Why (not)?
  5. Do you feel like you are on the right track in life now?
  6. What have you been pondering on lately?
  7. Have you ever tried googling the meaning of life?
  8. At what moments in our life do we start thinking about the meaning of life?
  9. In your opinion, what is ‘the crisis of meaning’? Why are people hungry for the meaning of life and why do they go through a crisis when they find none?
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2 replies on “The Meaning of Life According to Different Philosophies”

Discussion Questions:

How has the meaning of life changed for you as you got older?
Yes of course. If I compare myself now from when I was a child, the meaning of life have changed a lot… for example when I was a Kid I didn’t even think in such as questions…

Would you say that you have fulfilled your childhood dreams?
Well, I should say that I have a comfortable life, I have worked for very good Companies, I have earned my salary, I have a wonderful family, a wonderful girlfriend and very good friends… and, the main and foremost think I have a good health so I have no complains. That’s enough for me.
Why are some people unable to free themselves from expectations?
We are living in a very difficult society because nowadays children are taught that if they want and fight they can achieve everything they want; as the add say: “Nothing is impossible”, and it is not true… It is very difficult even to life every day without problems, etc… Maybe this modern culture is creating a lot of mental disorders and frustrations just because we live in a Non-Realistic Society.

Is our life a predetermined path? Why (not)?
I think it not 100% predetermined path but there are a lot of variables that, of course, will affect the things you can and cannot achieve… (p.e.: your genes, your physical and mental health, your education, the country where you have born, your family, the age you live, even the luck, etc.. are all factors that can affect you and your objectives in life.

Do you feel like you are on the right track in life now?
As I said before, I have luck, I live more o less well, and I have not any complains. I’m satisfied with my current life.

What have you been pondering on lately?
Well that as you become older you realise that the end, your end, is closer than ever… But is life… And we all know this from our childhood.

Have you ever tried googling the meaning of life?
No never, maybe because I would disagree with the answer.

At what moments in our life do we start thinking about the meaning of life?
It deepens, in my case, I remembered when I was 10 years old I asked about God and Saints and the Virgin and everything about Catholic teachings… I suppose I didn’t have enough faith at that time… neither now

In your opinion, what is ‘the crisis of meaning’? Why are people hungry for the meaning of life and why do they go through a crisis when they find none?

A difficult question. In my opinion, its hard to realise that like every kind of life we are born and we die. We think that human beings are different of the rest of the nature and we will have another life after we pass away

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Yes of course. If I compare myself now from when I was a child, the meaning of life have changed a lot… for example when I was a Kid I didn’t even think in such as questions…

Yes, of course. If I compare myself now to when I was a child, the meaning of life for me has definitely changed a lot. For example, when I was a kid, I didn’t even think about such as question.

Enjoy writing!

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