
B1 – Intermediate

People’s lives are surrounded by a great deal of work in today’s modern life, thanks to technological major advancements and cutting-edge breakthroughs in every aspect of science. Some people firmly believe that learning new sports or arts and crafts appears to help them make better use of their free time. So, how about you? Are you busy? 

Let’s listen to the audio and read the transcript below about being busy.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What takes up most of your time?
  2. Do you think you manage your time wisely? Why or why not?
  3. Would you rather be overly busy or unproductive? Explain your choice.
  4. How do you know when there are too many tasks and when they are manageable?
  5. Do you have enough time to pursue your interests? Why or why not?
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One reply on “Busy”

Hello, the first class was good, but very difficult for me because it cost me to express myself by speaking and cost very undersand when a person talk in english. It’s the first time that I talk in english with a person. Thanks

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