The Smart Way to Learn from Failure

B2 – Upper Intermediate

The idea that failure is a bad thing is one that is quite often held. Numerous people who struggle with something are frequently labeled as losers, but if they take the lessons from their defeats, they become victors.

Failure teaches individuals that success is earned through tenacity and hard work, and that they are just like everyone else. The most valuable lessons in life are commonly learned through bad decisions made and the wisdom acquired through them. But do we actually learn from our mistakes, or do we purposefully fail to acknowledge them and carry on as if nothing had happened?

Check out the following article for more information on how to gain knowledge from our shortcomings.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your personal perspective on failure?
  2. Have there been any failures that made your life better?
  3. Is there a right time to give up and stop trying?
  4. Can you name any well-known figures who failed miserably at something?
  5. Describe a time when you tried something and failed.
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