Why We May Have To Re-Learn To Socialize

B2 – Upper Intermediate

We’ve been living in a pandemic world for over a year now. We’re already accustomed to our new social routines such as Zoom meetings, FaceTime dates, or ever virtual happy hours.

But with the vaccinations ramping up and restrictions beginning to be loosened in some countries, the new question is: Are we ready? After so much time apart, do we even know how to socialize in person?

Let’s read the article below on how we can re-train ourselves to be with others again.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What has been the impact of COVID-19 on your social life?
  2. Were you able to meet with other people during the COVID-19 pandemic?
  3. Would you feel anxious about returning to ‘normal’ again?
  4. Are you good at socializing? How do you socialize?
  5. How much do you socialize with people from work? What do you usually do to connect with your colleagues?
  6. How do we re-learn how to talk to people and manage the social awkwardness that may result from a year of isolation?

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