Job-Hopping Impacts Retirement Savings

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Job-hopping has become a thing nowadays as more people seek greener pastures. It may seem advantageous in terms of your long-term savings. However, it could potentially hurt your retirement savings in the long run.

Read the article to learn about some things to factor in when job-hopping.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What is a “vesting schedule“, “In most cases, increasing your overall income will do more for you in the long-term than any one company’s vesting schedule.“? Use this phrase in your own sentence.
  2. What does the expression “to leave money on the table” mean, “With incentives like a dedicated vesting schedule or matching 401(k) contributions, workers who stick with one company get rewarded for their loyalty—while job-hoppers feel like they’re leaving free money on the table.“? Make a sentence with this idiom.
  3. What does “stick with” mean,  “Workers who stick with one company get rewarded for their loyalty.“? Use this phrase in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How does job-hopping impact retirement savings?
  2. Is job hopping a viable option for those who prioritize their retirement savings? Why or why not?
  3. Have you ever considered job hopping in order to increase your income or advance your career?
  4. How important is retirement planning to you, and what steps are you taking to ensure your future financial security?
  5. Do you believe that job hopping can have a positive impact on your career trajectory, or do you think it is better to stay with one employer for a longer period of time?
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