Gran Canaria Mystery 

B1 – Intermediate

Gran Canaria is a beautiful island in the Atlantic Ocean. It is known for its beautiful landscapes and pleasant weather. With its picturesque beaches, mountains, and charming villages, it is a perfect place for nature lovers and adventurers.

Listen to this audio and read the transcript about the mystery Gran Canaria Island.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “take control of something” mean in this sentence, “The men were face-down with their hands tied and stones on top of them. They probably died violently a long time ago, even before Spain took control of the island in the 15th century. ” Use it in a sentence.
  2. What does “symbolic” mean in this sentence, “This type of burial wasn’t normal, which means that it could be a symbolic death.” Use it in a sentence.
  3. What does “conquer” mean in this sentence, “The bodies could be from after Spain conquered the island or from the time before.” Use it in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is Gran Canaria known for?
  2. How do archaeological findings contribute to our knowledge of pre-colonial history in different regions?
  3. What can we learn from this archaeological finding about the island’s past?
  4. How might this archaeological discovery impact future research or exploration on Gran Canaria?
  5. Talk about a place in your country/city that is also known for a mystery.
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Discussion Questions:
1. What is Gran Canaria known for?
It’s a beautiful island in the canary archipelago and its famous because it’s a tourist destination. Canary Island have beautiful landscapes beautiful beaches good food and so forth.
2. How do archaeological findings contribute to our knowledge of pre-colonial history in different regions?
It’s a powerful tool in order to understand the pre-colonial civilizations, their culture discover the artifacts they made, religious practices, etc.
3. What can we learn from this archaeological finding about the island’s past?
Actually nothing until we know for sure the date of this skeletons burials, so we have to wait the result of the Carbono 14 tests in order to establish the date of this burial, and then fix them into maybe the pre-colonial history or maybe post Colonial history

4. How might this archaeological discovery impact future research or exploration on Gran Canaria?
I think, not much, because it an unusual burial, so even if this burial was pre-colonial or post-colonial, it will not help to understand to much about anything.
5. Talk about a place in your country/city that is also known for a mystery.
Well in Cadiz (city in the south of Spain)is well known that was a very important Temple dedicated to Hercules under the Roman Empire in Spain. It is known because the historians talking about it in the books and also told us that even Juluis Cesar visited it before became the ruler and dictator of Roma years after…
The mistery is that even a lot of researcher are trying to find it, nobody, until now, have been successful…
Maybe because Cadiz have changed a lot because of the waters.

This exercise is very helpful in terms of developing your writing skills.

Take a look at a better way to write this sentence:

The mistery is that even a lot of researcher are trying to find it, nobody, until now, have been successful…

The mystery is that even if a lot of researchers are trying have tried finding it, nobody, until now, have has been successful in doing so until now.

Keep going with your practice.

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