Crackdown on Same-Sex Parenting

B2 – Upper Intermediate

In Italy, same-sex couples believe the government is limiting their opportunities to start families, while the government argues against surrogacy, likening it to modern slavery. This anti-surrogacy law has increased challenges for rainbow families and hindered same-sex couples in their pursuit of legal parenthood.

Discover more insights about this issue by reading the full article.

Vocabulary Discussions

Explain the meaning of the highlighted words below and make some sentences.

1. Ginevra was indignant when, two weeks ago, an interviewer on a TV show asked her parents whether the twins missed having a mum.

2. Critics warn of the potential poverty bias against women who become surrogate mothers due to financial need.

3. Going abroad to have a baby is an emotional rollercoaster, and you might face hostility when you return to your home country.

Discussion Questions

1. What is the primary issue highlighted in the article regarding same-sex parenting in Italy? Compare it to the situation in your country.

2. Would you characterize Italy as a conservative society? Explain.

3. What are your personal views on surrogacy? Do you believe it should be accessible to same-sex couples?

4. How can Italian Government handle the situation better?

5. Are there rainbow families in Spain? If so, what are your thoughts and observations about these families?

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