Overprotective Parenting Style

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Do you see the difference between how parents controlled their kids in the past and how they do it now?

Read the article and discuss parental control and better parenting options.


Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does overindulge mean? “According to leadership expert Tim Elmore, when we rescue too quickly and overindulge our children with “assistance,” we remove the need for them to navigate hardships and solve problems on their own.” Use it in a sentence.
  2. What does swoop in mean? “Help them develop coping skills by not swooping in to save them every time they are in distress.” Use it in a sentence.
  3. What is a role model? “This is a mom or dad who sets carefully defined limits for children, the one who is a good role model and praises children for their efforts.” Use it in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you know any family that control their kids too much? What do they do?
  2. What are the parenting styles mentioned in the article?
  3. Do you think you will allow your children to use the Internet without controlling them?
  4. What are the negative effects of overprotective parenting style?
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