Friendships Change After Parenthood

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Friendship is an essential part of human connection, offering support, mutual understanding, and shared memories that lead to one’s personal development and a sense of well-being. Even so, the nature of friendships tends to shift significantly after one becomes a parent. While it is generally believed that the biggest drive to this sudden change is the all-consuming demands of parenthood, there are more complex psychological and societal factors at work.

Through the provided link, you can learn more about how friendships and shifting priorities become more complicated after having children.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “succumb to a slow fizzle” mean in the sentence, “When a new parent and their child-free friend have unrealistic expectations for what’s to come, it’s a perfect recipe for the relationship to succumb to a slow fizzle.”? Use this expression in your own sentence.
  2. What does “in the picture” mean in the sentence, “It’s hard to make plans once kids are in the picture, but structural issues in our society compound the problem. ”? Use this expression in your own sentence.
  3. What does “both sides of the fence” mean in the sentence, “Chris Choy Bush, a mother of one in Minneapolis, feels that for her and her partner, having a child later in their lives was an advantage, as they got to experience this challenge from both sides of the fence: first as the child-free couple and then as the new parents.”? Use this in your own sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How does the arrival of a child impact the dynamics of friendships?
  2. What are the potential challenges in bridging the gap between parents and childless friends?
  3. Why is it important to recognize and address these changes in friendships for parents?
  4. Why is it helpful for parents to have a support system that includes both other parents and friends without children? Tell me more.
  5. Are there people in your circle who are at a similar life stage? Please share.
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