Emojis in Business Communications

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Emojis add humor and spirit to digital communications. It expresses happiness, laughter, anger, fear, etc. However, in business, a more traditional approach using formal language in plain text has been the norm. The question is whether to use emojis or not in business communications.

Get further insight from the article below.


Vocabulary Questions

  1. What does the idiom “to break down barriers” mean in the sentence, “Emojis in a business setting break down barriers in formal communication and bring conversations down to a personal level.”? Use it in a sentence.
  2. What does the idiom “to get lost in translation” mean in the sentence “Emojis can get lost in translation.”? Use it in a sentence.
  3. What does the word “launchpad” mean in the sentence, “Emojis should serve as a launchpad for more in-depth conversations.”? Use it in a sentence.

Discussion Questions

  1. Do you like using emojis when having a digital conversation? If so, describe one emoji that you frequently use.
  2. Do you work in a formal or informal industry? Are employees allowed to use emojis? Tell me more about it.
  3. How can adding emojis change the way you communicate with your colleagues, superiors, clients, or customers?
  4. Cite situations where using emojis might be considered inappropriate.
  5. Do you think emojis will evolve in the future? If so, how?
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2 replies on “Emojis in Business Communications”

1.- to break down barriers means to open situations than normally have obstacles.
Barack Obama broke down barriers in the politics in Unites States as he was the first afroamerican president in the history of the country

2.-to get lost in translation means losing meaning or context when you express someting.
Most of spanish people can get loose in translation when they travl to South America due to different meaning in certain important words in the vocabulary

3.- launchpad means to be something to open situacion such as a conversation, a business, … .

When he started talking about chess, it was a launchpad to make friend with these boys.

Good work writing your answers to your lesson’s vocabulary questions.

Take a look at how this sentence can be revised:

When he started talking about chess, it was a launchpad to make friend with these boys.

When he started talking about chess, it was a launchpad to make friends with the other boys.

Keep going with this exercise to improve your skills more and more.

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