Jobs Safe from Artificial Intelligence

B2 – Upper Intermediate

As more and more industries use artificial intelligence (AI), people worry more about how it could affect their occupations. Because AI can learn and automate tasks, it might replace many traditional jobs. But even with all this technology and advancements in AI, some jobs seem to remain indispensable.

Watch the video and explore which jobs are likely to withstand the tide of automation and why.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does the word “broad-based” mean? “If you’re sitting in front of a computer doing something relatively routine and predictable, whether it’s writing the same report again or doing the same kind of spreadsheet and analysis, all that is definitely going to be impacted, so it could be very broad-based.” Give two (2) synonyms or similar expressions and use ‘broad-based’ in your own sentence.
  2. What does a “white-collar job” mean? “There are going to be a great many white-collar jobs that will also be impacted by this.” Use the term in a sentence.
  3. What does the word “dexterity” mean? Ex. Skilled trade jobs like electricians, plumbers where you have a need to have lots of dexterity and mobility are the safest. Use the word in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you believe that some jobs are truly safe from being replaced by AI, or do you think all jobs are at risk to some extent? Share your thoughts.
  2. What factors do you think make certain jobs more resilient to automation compared to others?
  3. How do you think the society could prepare for the possibility of widespread job displacement due to AI?
  4. Can you think of any examples of jobs that are likely to remain safe from AI in the foreseeable future? What characteristics do these jobs have that make them less susceptible to automation?
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