Habits of People Who Know How to Bring Out the Best in Others 

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Bringing out the best in others is a multifaceted endeavor that goes beyond mere recognition of their strengths. It involves actively engaging with individuals, delving into their unique experiences, aspirations, and hurdles. This process commences with active listening, where we tune in not just to the words spoken but also to the underlying emotions and motivations. Through empathy and understanding, we can better grasp their needs and desires, fostering a deeper connection and trust.

Moreover, patience plays a pivotal role in this journey. Recognizing that growth takes time and progress may come in incremental steps, we offer unwavering support and encouragement. By setting the bar high yet anchoring it in reality, we inspire individuals to reach for their full potential while providing the requisite guidance and resources to navigate hurdles along the way.

Mentorship emerges as a cornerstone of this approach. By sharing insights, experiences, and lessons learned, mentors steer others on their path to success, imparting both practical advice and emotional bolstering. Celebrating achievements, no matter how modest reinforces progress and instills a sense of pride and accomplishment.

However, the journey to bring out the best in others transcends individual interactions. It entails fostering a culture of collaboration and mutual respect where everyone’s contributions are valued. Recognition for endeavors and achievements, whether through formal accolades or heartfelt words of appreciation, fosters a sense of belonging and motivates individuals to continue striving for excellence.

Continuous learning is another integral component of this process. By encouraging curiosity and providing avenues for personal and professional development, we empower individuals to expand their skills and knowledge, fueling both personal growth and organizational triumph.

Ultimately, by investing in the potential of others and nurturing a supportive community, we cultivate an environment where everyone can thrive. Through collective effort and shared goals, we not only bring out the best in individuals but also harness the power of collaboration to achieve collective success. In this way, each person’s unique talents and contributions meld to create a tapestry of excellence, enriching both the individual and the broader community.

Read the full article to know the habits of leaders who know how to bring out the best in others.


Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What is a “multiplier”? “Multipliers take the time to understand the capabilities of each individual so that they can connect employees with the right people and the right opportunities—thereby building a virtuous cycle of attraction, growth, and opportunity.“? Use this term in a sentence.
  2. What does it mean to “stretch goals”Stretch goals that push people can have a big impact on how people feel about themselves, their work, and what they can accomplish.”? Use the phrase in a sentence. 
  3. What does the word “roadblock” mean in the sentence,
    As team members earn small wins, their confidence grows and seemingly insurmountable problems appear less daunting, adds Wiseman; roadblocks become interesting puzzles for the team to solve.
    “? Look for 1-2 synonyms and use ‘roadblock’ in a sentence. 

Discussion Questions:

  1. In what ways can patience be considered a pivotal element in the journey of helping others reach their full potential?
  2. How does the concept of collective effort and shared goals contribute to achieving success, as described in the passage?
  3. Can you identify any personal experiences that resonate with the themes discussed in the passage?
  4. Have you ever experienced someone bringing out the best in you? What did they do that made a difference?
  5. Can you share a time when you had to exercise patience while supporting someone’s growth or development?
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