People Want Dumbphones

B2 – Upper Intermediate 

Mobile phone companies go head to head to keep innovating their products. “The smarter the better.” seems to be the motto here.

On the contrary, not everyone is so pleased. For those who can barely keep up with the latest in smartphones or those who are outright anti-technology, they want phones with less advanced specs and features. For them, “The simpler the better.”

Read this article and find out why people prefer dumbphones and will the industry respond to this increasing demand.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What is a “neo-Luddite”? “Self-labelled neo-Luddites and the tech-stressed are searching for phones with fewer features.” Make a sentence using this word.
  2. Define “profit margin”. “Industry experts cite precarious profit margins and a wobbly market around this niche need.” Make a sentence using this term.
  3. What does “catch-all” mean? “They’re transitioning to “dumbphones”, a catch-all term for phones with basic functions such as calling, texting and setting alarms.”  Make a sentence using this word.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Why are some people choosing basic dumbphones with stripped down capabilities?
  2. What do you think about using dumbphones again? Can you name some pros and cons?
  3. Do you think it is worth it for tech companies to keep manufacturing dumbphones? State your opinion.
  4. What are your thoughts on this, “The big tech giants don’t want anything that has to do with reducing your smartphone usage.”?
  5. How do you find the idea of a “light or minimal phone”?
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