Skype Shutdown

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Skype is known for revolutionizing internet-based communication. It was founded in 2003 offering free voice calls between PCs and economical rates for calling landlines and mobile phones.

However, this legendary service is scheduled to be retired on May 5, as Microsoft transitions its focus to the more up-to-date Microsoft Teams Free platform.

Let’s read the article and know more about this iconic application shutting down.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “free tier” mean? “Skype will “no longer be available” to use starting in May, the company confirmed on X, telling users that their log-in information can be used on Microsoft Teams’ free tier in the “coming days.”” Use it in a sentence.
  2. What does the phrase “ill-fated” mean? “Microsoft integrated the service into its other products, such as Office and its ill-fated mobile operating service Windows Phone.” Use it in a sentence and give 2 synonyms.
  3. What does “catch on” mean? “Skype launched in 2003 in Estonia and quickly caught on as a way to make free calls worldwide, a notable perk considering international calling on traditional phones used to be expensive.” Use it in your own sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are your thoughts on Skype shutting down?
  2. Have you had much experience with Skype? What are your thoughts on its strengths and weaknesses?
  3. What video calling apps do you use most often? And why is it your call app of choice?
  4. Can you think of any apps that were once staples in your routine, but have since fallen out of favor? What lead to it becoming less popular than before?
  5. Which of your frequently used apps would you be most upset to lose access to? And why?
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