Why Do Women Live Longer than Men?


C1 – Advanced

Have you ever wondered why women live longer than men?
Studies show that women’s survival is consistent and truly remarkable as observed in human beings and animals. Lifestyle may be a factor but there are more causes or contributors.

Why Do Women Live Longer than Men?


1. What are the contributing factors mentioned in the article? What surprised you the most?
2. What is Spain’s life expectancy?
3. Would you like to live a long life? Why or why not?
4. Should scientist slow down the aging process?

What Schools Should Do About Bullying


C1 – Advanced

Used to be that bullying ended when one was off school premises. However, with the ubiquitous nature of social media and mobile technology, more and more students are subject to bullying even within the confines of their homes.

Read about one country’s educational system’s efforts to address the problem that is bullying.

What you should expect your school to do about bullying


1. In your opinion, which is worst: bullying in person, or bullying online? Why do you think so?
2. Do schools and universities in your country have a clear policy in regard to dealing with bullying among students?
3. Do schools or universities in your country educate or inform children about bullying?

The Japanese Women who Married the Enemy


C1 – Advanced

After WWII, Japan was devastated yet thousands of their women married American soldiers and moved to the US to have a new life.

Read the article and watch the videos to find out how the Japanese women survived the American lifestyle.

The Japanese women who married the enemy


1. What was your reaction after reading the text and watching the videos?
2. What were the challenges and how did the women in the story overcome them?
3. Would you marry someone who is considered an enemy by many?
4. What do you know about WWII and what damage did it bring to your country?

Video: The Art of Aging

C1 – Advanced

Everybody wants to live a full and long life. Watch the video below to get to know people who have discovered the art of aging.

The art of aging


1. What are the secrets of the people in California when it comes to living longer?
2. Do you like the idea of getting old up to hundred?
3. What are the physical signs of getting old?
4. What have you learned from the people who were interviewed from this short video clip?

A Tattoo Done on Holiday

C1 – Advanced

The BBC recently interviewed a young man who spent a holiday with friends. Rather than post photos on social media to commemorate the event, he decided to get a tattoo done on one of his legs.  What was it a tattoo of? It’s not what you’d expect.

Read about Banjo, then share your opinion regarding the questions below.

‘I got a tattoo done of 17 mates’ names on holiday’


1. What do you think about tattoos?
2. What can you say about Banjo’s choice of tattoo?
3. Should the decision to get a tattoo be taken lightly, or should it be given serious thought?

Best Food Markets in Madrid


C1 – Advanced

Food markets have been a buzz for some years now and Madrid’s Mercado San Miguel is one of them.

Read the article and watch the video then be ready to talk about the beauty of food markets.

Best Food Markets in Madrid, Spain – Fresh Fish, Meat, Veggies and Cafes

Let’s Discuss!

1. According to the video, what are some of the “services” that the Mercado San Miguel offer as a food market?
2. What are some of the food markets that you’ve been to? Where do you usually shop for food?
3. Share some of your favourite traditional food or dishes.

An Interview With Italian Street Artist Millo

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Street art has evolved from the usual graffiti to full scale city murals.

Read the article and get to know artist  Francesco Camillo Giorgino and his works. Also, take note of new expressions or vocabularies you’d like to discuss.

An Interview With Italian Street Artist Millo: ‘My Characters Are The Purest Part Of Me’

Let’s Discuss!

1. According to the article, explain what the artist loves about street art. What was his background?
2. What do you think of Millo’s art? Is this something that you have in your city?
3. What kind of art do you prefer?

The Ice Bucket Challenge Years After

C1 – Advanced

In the summer of 2014, one guy posted a video of himself pouring a bucket of ice water over his head to support ALS and other causes. Then his friends decided to do it as well. In total, more than 17M people took part in the Ice Bucket Challenge.

Ever wondered what happened to the money the supporters donated? Watch the video then read the article to get an update on the ALS research.

One year later, your ALS Ice Bucket money goes to …


1. What do you know about ALS?
2. What did you think about the Ice Bucket Challenge?
3. If you could support a research or an organization, what would it be?

Video: America’s Shrinking Homes

C1 – Advanced

America is the place where everything is big – from food portions to super skyscrapers and warehouse stores. “Small” is the last word one associates with the US. Surprisingly, however, it was in this very land of everything mega that the tiny house movement was born.

Watch the video and learn more about the minimalist lifestyle that has made some people move from big houses to whimsical dollhouse-type homes.

America’s shrinking homes


1. According to the video, why are there more and more people joining the tiny house movement?
2. In your country, what did people do to adjust when the economic crisis hit? Did people start selling their homes?
3. Is it usual for people to live in big houses in your country?
4. Describe your ideal house.

A Chinese Man’s Plea for Love


C1 – Advanced

Does status play a role when two people are in love? In China, it does. And, most of the time, it’s not easy getting around it.

Read the article below to find out about Xiao Yang and how he dealt with his sensitive situation.



‘I am a painter’: A Chinese man’s plea for love


1. What do you think of Xiao Yang’s letter?
2. Do you think the mother was right to have misconceptions?
3. China has a very interesting history when it comes to status symbols. Is it the same in your country? Discuss some of the traditions you have in your country when it comes to marriage and the role of men and women in society.