How to Keep Mentally Healthy During a Quarantine

B2 – Upper Intermediate

In the advent of the global pandemic Covid-19, people in many countries were put on lockdown or quarantine in their own homes in order to stop them from passing the virus on to each other. Being restricted to go out of our houses is something no one is accustomed to. Hence, many individuals struggle with this new and hopefully, temporary lifestyle we have.

Listen to the audio and read the transcript of this lesson and be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How do you keep yourself mentally healthy during the quarantine in your country?
  2. Talk about your routine now that you are stuck at home. How is it different from your old routine?
  3. What do you think are some effects of this quarantine on people’s mental health?

Is It a Good Idea to Have a Tattoo?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Nowadays, many people have tattoos and having it has become more socially acceptable. More and more people are using tattoos to represent their hardships or in memory of family, friends, and love ones. Some people consider tattoos a work of art that lets them express themselves. Different people get their tattoos for different reasons and most of the time, it’s sentimental.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are the reasons people get tattoos?
  2. What is your opinion about people who have tattoos?
  3. Would you like to have a tattoo? What would it be and why?
  4. What are the pros and cons of getting a tattoo?
  5. What are the differences of tattoos before and now?

Why Does Seeing Someone Yawn Make You Yawn?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Yawning is an involuntary reflex of opening the mouth and inhaling in deeply followed by an exhalation of breath. There are a lot of theories regarding yawning. It is said that it’s a sign of being fatigue, bored, or drowsy. One interesting fact about yawning is that it is contagious. If you see, hear, read, or even think about it can make you yawn.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are the reasons you yawn?
  2. Why are yawns contagious?
  3. What do you do to stop yawning?
  4. Is it disrespectful to yawn when somebody is talking?
  5. What should you do if you are caught yawning?

A Conversation about Life

B2 – Upper Intermediate

As one saying goes, “Being young is beautiful, but being old is comfortable”… Or, is it?

Watch the video below of a very young boy and an old man, who are 57 years apart as they talk about life and their experiences.

Discussion Questions:

1. What’s the worst thing about being young? What do you fear about being old?

2. Do you wish you were young/er, or old/er? Why?

3. How do you view falling in love at your age now?

4. What advice would you give your younger self? What would you ask your older self?

5. What is the most important thing in your life now?


B2 – Upper Intermediate

Employees spend a good deal of time in the office. You interact with different people with different personalities all the time.

It is vital that you establish a good relationship with the people you work with everyday.

Listen to the audio and learn some practical ways to develop relationship-building competency.


Discussion Questions:
1. Differentiate team building and relationship-building.
2. What are ways to develop relationship-building competency?
3. Why is this competency important in the workplace?

Spain Sets New Rules for Airbnb

B1 – Intermediate

Airbnb connects people looking to have their homes rented with those who are trying to find a place to stay in specific locations. Airbnb offers its users a lot of options on different kinds of houses or properties and a stress-free way for house or apartment owners to make money by renting out their property.

However, Airbnb’s popularity has not come without any problems in some countries and their governments are quick to respond.

Read the article below on the new set of rules in Spain on Airbnb rentals.

In Barcelona and Madrid, Airbnb hosts will be required to register the rental property with the city government before listing it. New York and Paris already use this rule.

Spanish provinces are cracking down on Airbnbs. They have put in place several new rules that will limit the number of Airbnb rentals in Spanish cities including Barcelona, Madrid, Mallorca, Valencia, and Andalusia.

In Madrid, the city has proposed a rule (it’s not law yet) that would limit apartments to be rented only 90 days out of the year. It would also require that every property in the city center have a separate entrance for Airbnb guests. This proposal came after Madrid natives protested against tourists, saying that Airbnb has caused the city to have a lot more tourists. Some also believe that housing prices went up since Airbnb became so popular. With these new rules, 95% of Madrid’s existing Airbnbs would become illegal.

In Palma de Mallorca and Ibiza, the rules have already become laws. Starting July, only houses, no apartments, will be allowed to be rented out as an Airbnb. In addition, every property must be registered. As of right now, only 700 out of 20,000 properties are correctly registered. Airbnb is expected to remove illegal listings from the site. This means that a lot of people who rented properties in July and August will lose their reservations.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your opinion about the new rules set for Airbnb rentals?
  2. What is your opinion on this: “With these new rules, 95% of Madrid’s existing Airbnbs would become illegal.”?
  3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of putting up properties on platforms like Airbnb for rental?
  4. Have you used Airbnb before? What are the good and bad things about using it to book accommodations? If you haven’t, are you interested to try it out?
  5. What kind of accommodations do you prefer when you travel and why?

Work Trends

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Employment conditions vary from generation to generation. Loads of changes have occurred in the way we work through the years. Notice that the way we work has been quite very different from our parents’ time.

Listen to the audio as a social affairs commentator talks about work trends over the past twenty years.

Discussion Questions:

1. What work trends are there in your country?
2. How do you see the future of working?
3. How may present working conditions be different from your parents/grandparents time?
4. What’s your ideal work setup?

Viral Marketing

B2 – Upper Intermediate

In recent years, virtual marketing has shaped the e-commerce world. Let’s get a grasp on how exactly viral marketing works.

Click the play button to listen to the audio about viral marketing:


Discussion Questions:
1. What’s the difference between viral marketing and spamming?
2. What kinds of viral marketing strategies are you aware of?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of viral marketing?
4. What kind of online marketing does your company have or do?
5. What comes to your mind when you hear the word  “virus”?

What Computers Can’t Do

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Artificial Intelligence or AI is everywhere.  As a matter of fact, we use and deal with them every day. It may seem like science fiction is starting to become reality due to these machines’ ability to assimilate our behavior. However, machines can only perform human-like tasks so much. Currently, there are still some things that are difficult to get these machines to do.

Let’s listen to Neil and Tim talk about what machine thinking and the limitations artificial intelligence has at the moment.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What sorts of things do we take for granted that are cutting edge for machines?
  2. What do you think will the future of artificial intelligence be?
  3. How is artificial intelligence helping us today?
  4. What are the dangers of AI?
  5. What would our current lives be like without artificial intelligence?

Public Napping Space in Madrid

B1 – Intermediate

Siesta is an old Spanish tradition. With the advent of technology and amidst the fast-paced city life, a Spanish company opened a place for taking naps.

This Madrid-based nap bar said on their website, “The siesta is considered one of those small pleasures of life, especially recommended in every way for its clear health benefits”.

Listen to this audio and read the transcript about this interesting public napping space.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think about Siesta & Go’s nap bar?
  2. Would you be interested in visiting a nap bar? Why? Why not?
  3. Are you able to sleep anywhere? Why? Why not?
  4. Do you think that naps are beneficial for one’s health? Why? Why not?
  5. Are there napping spaces in your town or city? If so, please describe how they work. If not, do you think there should be one? Why? Why not?