Are They Migrants or Refugees?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

By definition, an immigrant is someone from a foreign country who relocates to live in another country. The European migrant crisis is surging and EU is struggling to respond to this.

Listen to the audio and read the transcript whether they should be considered as migrants or refugees.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are the similarities and differences of migrants and refugees?
  2. What’s your take on the migrant crisis?
  3. If given the chance, what kind of help would you give?
  4. Do you think Syrian refugees will be able to call Europe their new home?

The Sounds of Grammar

B1 – Intermediate

Listen to the audio clip to know more about contracted speech and why native English speakers talk fast.

Everyday Grammar: The Sounds of Grammar with Betty Azar


1. What did you learn from the article?
2. Do you have trouble understanding spoken English? What is the biggest challenge for you?
3. What do you think is the best way to catch grammar sound?

Why Did Singapore Ban Gum?

B2 – Upper intermediate

Selling and Chewing gums is prohibited in Singapore. Do you want to find out why? Listen to the podcast carefully then express your thoughts about it.

Why did Singapore ban gum?


1. What do you think of Singapore banning chewing gums?
2. Would you like gums to be prohibited in your country just like in Singapore?
3. What other bad / antisocial habits do you wish to be prohibited in your country?

Vocabulary: Basic Food and Drinks


A1 – Beginner

This resource will help increase your vocabulary when talking about basic food and drinks.

Read and listen to the different English terms for basic food and drinks and be ready to use them during the speaking exercise.

Basic Food and Drinks


1. What do you usually drink in the morning for breakfast? Are you a coffee or tea drinker?
2. What fruits do you enjoy eating?
3. What are the vegetables you least like or don’t like too much?

Oil-Eating Bacteria

B2 – Upper Intermediate

An oil spill is a form of pollution. The term is usually applied to marine oil spills, where oil is released into the waters, but spills may also occur on land.

Listen to this audio and read the transcript on oil-eating bacteria.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What happened in the Gulf of Mexico?
  2. What can break down the carbon molecules present in oil?
  3. Did the oil-devouring property of marine microorganisms come about by chance? Or was it designed?
  4. How might oil-eating bacteria be helpful to humans and our environment?
  5. Was there ever an oil spill recorded in Spain? How was the incident resolved?

Doctor Brings Healing to Patients

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Gone are the days when doctors would actually visit the sick and heal them from the comfort of their homes. But what one doctor is bringing that back.

Listen to the audio and read the transcript about what Ernest Brown does and why he is considered unique.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Explain Dr. Brown’s background and how he was led to making house calls. What is “concierge services.”?
  2. Are house doctors a popular idea in your city or region?
  3. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of doctors making house calls?
  4. Talk about the last time you were sick and had to see a doctor.

Should You Have the Right to Die?


B2 – Upper intermediate

The topics of euthanasia and assisted suicide get a lot of media attention. Only a few countries around the world permit assisted suicide and many other governments with laws against the practice prefer not to take the issue to court.

Read the article below to find out the stories of some people who are fighting for their right to die. Watch the short video of Brittany Maynard as well.

Should You Have the Right to Die?


1. What is your initial reaction to assisted suicide?
2. Should doctors help patients kill themselves?
3. Does your government have any laws related to this issue?

Homeless Shelter for LGBT Youth

B2 – Upper intermediate

A shelter in Washington, D.C. will be housing homeless lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender young people. For many, this will be their road to rehabilitation and independence.

Watch the video then read the article to know more about Casa Ruby and how it is helping the LGBT youth.

Homeless Shelter for LGBT Youth Opens in Washington


1. Would you know if your country has the same provision for LGBT youth?
2. How widespread is LGBT in your country?
3. What is your viewpoint on this matter? Do you think people from LGBT communities in your country are well taken care of?

Link Between Earthquakes and Oil Drilling

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Oil drilling is one of the most important power source industry of our time. However, oil drilling does cause earthquakes.

Click the title below to know more about fracturing and what it does to the environment.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Share your thoughts on oil and gas drilling’s effects on the environment.
  2. What can you say about the environmental effects of industrialization?
  3. Have you ever experienced an earthquake? Talk about that time.

Grammar: Double Negatives

B1 – Intermediate

Double negatives in a sentence or clause are often confusing, that is why teachers tell students to avoid using them. They are also considered a taboo in English grammar.

Watch the video then read the article below to know more about the origin of double negatives and how it can be used properly.

Everyday Grammar: The Story of the Double Negative


1. Explain the two kinds of double negatives.
2. Which double negative should be avoided when taking exams or when applying for school or a job?
3. Give your own examples of double negatives.