Autism & Air Pollution


B2 – Upper intermediate

We have come a long way since autism was first studied. We now have multiple research about its different causes. Nonetheless, new developments and analysis are continuous in hopes of helping multiple parents and families cope.

Read the article below and be ready to express your thoughts.

US Study Links Air Pollution to Autism


1. What is autism and what are its symptoms?
2. According to the article, what is the link between autism and air pollution?
3. Does your country have advanced facilities and knowledge when it comes to helping children with autism?
4. In your opinion, why do you think there is a rise in diagnosed autism?


Valentine’s Day: A History of the Day of Love

B1 – Intermediate

Read the article below to know the brief history of Valentine’s Day. Understand the story behind the holiday when most countries spend a lot of money and when florists and chocolate stores have very good profit.

Discussion Questions:

1. Is Valentine’s Day big in your country? How do people usually celebrate it?
2. Do you think Valentine’s Day is too commercial or consumerist? Explain.
3. Talk about your favourite Valentine’s Day memory.

Cheating Epidemic in Sports


B2 – Upper intermediate

We all know the controversies of winning a game due to cheating. There are some recorded evidences of how cheating is widely practiced in the world of sports. It has even caused disputes and debates over the years.

The Epidemic of Cheating in Sports


1. What is your stand on cheating in sport?
2. What do you think is a just punishement for an athlete who was found cheating?
3. Do you think there are other underlying reasons why athletes cheat?

Western Diet Bad for Human Health, Environment

B2 – Upper intermediate

Western diet is usually high in processed sugar, fat, oil and meat. By eating these foods people begin to gain more weight. More people are adopting this kind of diet. Find out why, according to a study, western diet is bad for human health and the environment.

Discussion Questions:

1. Is this phenomenon also happening in your country?
2. Have you adapted to the western diet?
3. What is the relationship between our diet and the environment?
4. What can we do to keep our children healthy?

Bullying or Normal Competition?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Bullying has become a universal issue, whether in school or at work. Is it really bullying or just a normal competition among peers?

Let’s find out more about it through the audio conversation below. Be prepared to answer the questions that follow.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are your thoughts on corporate bullying?
  2. Have you witnessed bullying within your company?
  3. What policies are there to curtail bullying in the workplace in your country?
  4. How do we draw the line between competition and bullying at work?

Is Writing by Hand Better?


B2 – Upper intermediate

Scientists say that typing is a less effective way of remembering something. Many students now have resorted to typing on laptops or computers. Typing leads to mindless transcription.

Is Writing Notes by Hand Better Than Typing?


1. What is your opinion about the study?
2. How can computers affect us in a negative way?
3. Do you still prefer writing some of your notes?
4. What do you do to help yourself remember some things like birthdays or errands or even names?

Is a College Education Worth the Price?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Attending college or university to complete a four- year course costs a lot of money. Is it really worth the price? Considering the high cost of education and the job market that remains weak.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Would you say that college or university education is affordable in your country?
  2. What degrees are top earners in your country?
  3. How’s the job market in your country these days?
  4. What alternatives does your country have if a person cannot afford to attend university?

Bridging the Technology Gap

B1 – Intermediate

We are in the high technology age. Technical devices get upgraded almost every time.

However, did we consider those people still living in the past? If they have the same knowledge of technology as the people of this generation?

This article contains a video and an audio clip. Feel free to to watch and listen.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Should we consider this gap a social issue?
  2. Is it easy to bridge this gap between your own grandparents or older parents?
  3. In your household, is everyone very knowledgeable when it comes to tech gadgets and devices?
  4. What domestic appliances do you have that are very modern?


B1 – Intermediate

In most countries the official retirement age is 60. For footballers they retire much earlier than other athletes. For some people retirement is a financial decision but for others it may not be reason enough.

Discussion Questions:

1. Do you consider retirement as a financial decision?
2. What are the benefits that retirees in Spain get?
3. How would you spend your time as a retiree?

Grandma Fulfills Dream of Flying

B1 – Intermediate

Walt Disney once said, ” All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” Mary Moe is a true testament to these words. At age 91, she fulfilled her dream of flying a plane. Truly, Moe and her story inspires people to dream, regardless of age.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How do you perceive aging?
  2. What are some things you think you will be doing when you are old?
  3. What is your greatest dream? How were you able to reach it?
  4. If you haven’t fulfilled it, what are the challenges that you are facing that keep you from achieving this dream? How do you plan to fulfill it?
  5. Should people realize their dream as soon as they can or wait until the perfect moment to do it? Explain.