Flying Car in Slovakia

B1 – Intermediate

In 1989, the second installment of the “Back to the Future” franchise gave us a vivid picture of the year 2015, a time filled with different futuristic technologies.

The sneakers became a reality in 2016, just one year later than predicted. As for the car, however, it appears that the film may have missed the mark with a fifth-generation car having only recently taken flight at an airport in Slovakia, and with autonomous vehicles still being developed.

Nonetheless, finally, the sky is the limit for automobiles. Pun intended.

Read the article and watch the accompanying video to learn more about this automotive advance.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are the possible uses for this kind of vehicle? How could it benefit the riding public?
  2. What are the possible drawbacks or dangers of this new mode of transportation?
  3. Would you like to own such a car? Where would you go on your first flight?

Boy’s Dreams Come True

B1 – Intermediate

Messi is one of the biggest football players in the whole world. He is very popular. No wonder many people, including young children idolize him.

Read the transcript and listen to this audio on Messi’s surprise for his 5-year old fan.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How did you feel hearing this news?
  2. What is your reaction to what Messi did for his young fan?
  3. If you were Messi, would you do the same for a fan?
  4. Do you have an idol? Who is it? What would you like to receive from him/her?
  5. If you could have a conversation with your idol, what would you tell them?

Amazon Germany Strike

B1 – Intermediate

Amazon is probably one of the best companies to work for. However, it looks like for some workers in their German warehouses, this isn’t true. They plan to go on strike for several reasons.

Read the transcript and listen to this audio on German Amazon workers’ plans to go on strike.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “market” mean here, “Amazon´s biggest market outside the US is Germany.”? Use the word in your own sentence.
  2. What is a “warehouse“? Use the word in your own sentence.
  3. What does the phrase “to go on strike” mean? Use it in your own sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your reaction to this news?
  2. What are the reasons Amazon workers want to go on strike?
  3. What is your opinion on the workers going on strike on Black Friday, an important shopping holiday?
  4. Do you like holidays such as Black Friday? Generally, what do you think of them?
  5. Share some experiences (good or bad) you’ve had with Amazon.

Green Flights

B1 – Intermediate

Transport makes up approximately one-fifth of the world’s carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. More and more companies are thinking to go green in their practices. Lufthansa, a big German airline, is one of them. The company plans to make their flights CO2-neutral.

Read the transcript and listen to this audio about green flights.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your reaction to this news?
  2. How did coronavirus impact the oil industry?
  3. Do you think it is a good thing that some companies will use biofuel instead of normal oil?
  4. What is the current problem with biofuels?
  5. Do you think biofuels will be used more and more in the near future? Why or why not?

Good Etiquette for Foreign Students

B1 – Intermediate

Studying abroad is a great opportunity for students. It is an opportunity to widen horizons, expand knowledge, and boost personal and professional lives.

As a foreign student, one must not only follow the rules of the receiving country but also follow good social etiquettes.

Watch this video on good etiquettes for international students.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are the points on good etiquette Randall advises to international students?
  2. What are other points can you add to these?
  3. What is a ‘host family’? Why are they important?
  4. Have you lived abroad before? If yes, how did you show respect for the country you were living in?
  5. Do you have any experience studying abroad? If so, share about it. If not, what are the reasons and given a chance, would you do it?

South Korea and China Clash on Social Media Over Kimchi

B1 – Intermediate

Kimchi is a common dish among Koreans. It is a traditional fermented food which is made up of mainly vegetables and chili pastes and is normally served as sides. Koreans eat kimchi multiple times a day.

China has a similar dish called pao cai and they are trying to claim the international certification for the process of making this dish.

Let’s read the article below to learn why South Koreans and Chinese are clashing on social media over this.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you think China should have the international certification? Why / Why not?
  2. What are the staple dishes of your country?
  3. What do you know about kimchi?
  4. What dish / dishes from your country are you most proud of?
  5. What kind of Chinese food and/or Korean food do you like? Why?

Fire Safety

B1 – Intermediate

It takes a long time to build a house but only a few minutes to destroy it by the fire. Not only is fire economically damaging it could also be life-threatening. How do we get out of this situation or altogether avoid it?

Let’s watch the video and know some tips on fire safety.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are Randall’s fire safety tips?
  2. What other fire safety tips you observe at home?
  3. Are fire alarms and water sprinklers required in residential apartments in your country? If so, why do you think that is?
  4. Do you have a specific fire emergency number? How quickly do they respond?
  5. Have you witnessed fire before? How did you feel at that moment? How serious were the damages?

A Very Young Influencer

B1 – Intermediate

A seven-year-old child influencer from Italy has gained heartfelt support from people all over the world when his videos went viral on social media platforms. He proves that disability does not prevent a person from inspiring others.

Read the article and listen to the audio and be able to answer the discussion questions:

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you think it is a good idea to make a very young child become an influencer on social media? Why or why not?
  2. If you had/have a child, would you let them become an influencer at a very young age? Why or why not?
  3. What do you think are the perks and pitfalls of being a child influencer?
  4. What do you think of social media influencers who have disabilities? How can they affect the lives of the viewers? What can we learn from them?
  5. How has the society changed their view on people with disabilities over the years?

Inactive Twitter Accounts

B1 – Intermediate

Twitter is working to clean up inactive accounts to present more accurate and credible information that people can trust. This is in response to their commitment to serve the public conversation.

Read the article and listen to the audio and be able to answer the questions that follow:

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think of Twitter removing inactive accounts?
  2. What is your opinion on this: “If Twitter deletes their accounts, people lose memories of them [people who have died]”?
  3. Do you have Twitter? If so, how much do you use it?
  4. What do you think are the good and bad thing about Twitter?
  5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having social media accounts?

Researchers Want to Correct Japanese English

B1 – Intermediate

The government in Japan is using computer and online translations to translate Japanese into English which results to confusing words and expressions for English speakers visiting the country.

Let us read more about the article.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your opinion about Japan’s problem?
  2. Are there any strange translations from your language into English?
  3. What do you think of translation software?
  4. What do you think of the government using these software?
  5. Have you ever made a big or strange mistake translating into English?