Unguarded Talk: Threat to Companies

C1 – Advanced

While most big companies focus on possible ways their top secret information may be breached and how they could prevent it from happening, they are overlooking one threat to information security.


Discussion Questions:

  1. If you were in the writer’s shoes, what would you do or think at that moment?
  2. What are your thoughts on the loose lips risk? Should companies consider loose lips a serious matter? Explain.
  3. Share your thoughts on this statement: “Discretion is the wiser part of valour.“.
  4. Talk about other risks your company/industry face on a regular basis.
  5. What are ways for companies to ensure information security?
  6. Tell a related story about information breach that you know of.

Dealing with Procrastination

C1 – Advanced

Procrastination is nothing new to us. It is when you wait until the last minute before doing something you are supposed to do.

This article explores how procrastination plays a role in our lives. Be ready to explain some idiomatic expressions included in this article. You’ll be using them in sentences as part of your exercise.


Discussion Questions:

1. How do you view procrastination? When do you think it is good and bad?
2. Do you agree with the article? Are there some points you disagree on? Please discuss them.
3. How do you fight procrastination?

Keys to Making Better Decisions

C1 – Advanced

We make decisions every day. Each of us react differently to different situations and knowing ourselves more enables us to make decisions that are best for us and those around us.


Discussion Questions:

  1. Discuss the three keys in your own words. Talk about your insights for each and share some personal experiences.
  2. Do you agree or disagree with this statement: “The intensity of an emotion is not a reason to act on it.”?
  3. How exactly is cultivating perspective helpful in making a good decision?
  4. Have you ever made a decision where it involved some sacrifices and discomfort on your end? Talk about that situation.
  5. How do you make it a point to come up with good decisions?
  6. What was the most difficult decision you’ve ever had to make? How did you come up with your decision and what was the outcome of that decision later on?

The Six Secrets of Self-Control

C1 – Advanced

Do you have the habit of checking your phone all the time, even when it’s not necessary? Are you an impulsive person who just can’t resist buying when there’s a sale? Our self-control is always on the line.

Click on the title below and read the article to know more about self-control.

The Six Secrets of Self-Control


1. Explain the 6 secrets of self-control.
2. Which ones do you practice? Do you agree with all of them?
3. Would you say that self-control is your strength?
4. When was the last time that you had to practice self-control?

Think Yourself Rich!

 C1 – Advanced

In 1937, the book “Think and Grow Rich” was a big hit. Everybody wanted to be rich and the book gave tips on how to be so. Could it still be practical today? Read the article and express your thoughts about it.

Be ready to explain the different idiomatic expressions used in the article. Feel free to listen to the audio clip as well.


Discussion Questions:

1. What does the expression “Money is the root of all evil” mean?
2. How would you explain the phrase “Money makes the world go round”?
3. Do you consider yourself thrifty or a spendthrift?
4. What are the ways in which we can save money?

Video: Young Kids as Coders

C1 – Advanced

Meet Max, a ten year old boy, whose interest is, probably, far different from most kids his age. Watch as he talks about why he thinks it’s important for young kids to be taught how to write codes.

Ten-year-old computer programmer backs school change


1. What can you say about Max?
2. Do you agree with what he said?
3. Do you think it would be good to teach Spanish children to code computer programs too?