Investing in Water

C1 – Advanced

Access to clean freshwater is a basic human right but an on going challenge in some parts of the world. With limited water source, it becomes challenging to put up with the increasing demand to develop and maintain our limited supply thus affecting everyone including the business sector.

Let’s find out how businesses get affected and what possible approaches are available to combat water scarcity.

Discussion Questions:

1. In what ways are companies being affected by the increasing water shortage?
2. What solutions are provided for water scarcity and what do you think about them?
3. How do multinational companies approach the issue?
4. Do you conserve water?
5. How would life change if your town rationed water?

Aging Cure

C1 – Advanced

Aging is inevitable and is associated with changes in our biological, physiological, and behavioral being. Scientists are doing their best to unravel all aging mysteries to come up with an antidote. If scientists discovered a cure for aging, would you take it?

Let’s watch the video to check the discoveries that might benefit us:

Discussion Questions:

1. What 3 tools are scientists experimenting with?
2. Do you think humans will ever be able to stop aging?
3. Would you volunteer for a trial?
4. How long do you want to live?
5. How are senior citizens viewed in your country?

What Would Happen If the Earth Stopped Spinning?

C1 – Advanced

The earth rotates at 1,000 miles per hour. Can you imagine what might occur if the earth were to slow down or stop spinning altogether?

Watch this video to find out what scientists think would happen in the event that our planet suddenly stands still.


Discussion Questions:

1. Explain the video in your own words.

2. What does tidal locking mean? What will happen if earth gets locked to the sun?

3. What are your thoughts about this scenario? Do you think it is likely to happen?

4. In general, what do you think about the universe?

Rich and Poor Countries

C1 – Advanced

There are almost 200 countries all over the world. Some are prosperous, while others, poverty-stricken. Based on GDP per capita, some of the richest countries are Qatar, Luxembourg, Singapore, Brunei. Ireland, Switzerland, and Norway. On the other side of the coin – the poorest countries – include  Somalia, Democratic Republic of Congo, South Sudan, Haiti, and North Korea.

Many factors contribute as to why countries are either rich or poor.

Watch the video and find out what these factors are and what makes some countries continuously prosper and what keeps others from progressing.

Discussion Questions:

1. What are the three factors that determine whether the country will be rich or poor? Explain each of them in your own words. Describe your own country in terms of these factors.

2. Explain what clan-based thinking is. What is your opinion about it?

3. Generally, what are your thoughts on wealth gap?

4. Talk about the richest and poorest countries you’ve ever visited. How are they like?

5. How does your country accumulate wealth?

How Warren Buffett Made Billions

C1 – Advanced

Warren Buffett is arguably one of the richest men on earth. He is also one of the most successful investors in all of history. In addition, he has donated a sizable $30.80 billion to charity.

His life and success story is one that many people admire.

Watch the video below and discover how it all started for him and find out the steps he took to get all the way to being one of the wealthiest and most successful man.

Discussion Questions:

1. Tell Warren Buffett’s success story.
2. What are some business principles you learned from his story?
3. What businesses would you be interested to invest in?
4. If you would become a multi-billionnaire like Buffett, will you donate to charitable causes too? Which causes would you like to donate to?
5. Although Buffett’s one of the richest men, he remains frugal in his ways. What are your thoughts on this?

The Philosophy of Stoicism

C1 – Advanced

Most of us just dream of being able to live the best life we could. Knowing how to confront adversity and thrive is something we all need to master.

Stoicism means that although sometimes we can’t control situations in our lives, we can manage the way we look at them.

Watch the video below for more on the philosophy of Stoicism.

Discussion Questions:

1. Describe the philosophy of stoicism. What are your thoughts on it?
2. What are the four cardinal virtues?
3. How do you fare in the face of adversity?
4. What is the most difficult situation you have ever been in and how did you overcome it?
5. What are your thoughts on what Epictetus’s idea that “we suffer not from events in our lives but from our judgement about them”?

Nike: A Billion-Dollar Brand

C1 – Advanced

Nike is the biggest sportswear brand in the world. As of 2017, the company is valued at 30 billion dollars and consistently ranks in the Fortune 500 each year.

How did this athletic brand come about? Let’s learn more about Phil Knight and Bill Bowerman, the founders of Nike, and how they established this huge multinational corporation over 50 years ago.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How did Nike begin?
  2. What do you think about Nike as a brand? What sporting equipment brands do you like?
  3. If you could set up a company of your own, what kind of company would it be?

A Movie on Incentives

C1 – Advanced

We are offered a lot of carrots to motivate us to be at our best in everything we do. The most popular of which is monetary incentives. The best performers get rewarded with cash. Thus, this became a pattern for most to achieve more productivity.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you think money is a good motivator?
  2. How well do rewards and incentives motivate you?
  3. Do you think extrinsic motivation creates a lasting change to your commitment or values?
  4. How would you like to be motivated?
  5. What do you think are some positive and negative effects of incentives on people?

How Buffet Restaurants Make Money

C1 – Advanced

Buffet restaurants typically offer all-you-can-eat (AYCE) food for a fixed price.

The good thing about buffet themes is that the customers can immediately see all the food being served and then choose which dishes they prefer to eat. They can also control how much food they put on their plates.

This dining style is usual in events like business conventions or big parties.

Watch the video below and find out how this kind of restaurants make profits.

Discussion Questions:
1. Talk about the tricks buffet restaurants apply to make money.
2. What are your thoughts on this type of restaurants?
3. Have you ever experienced going to a buffet restaurant?
4. How do you get the most out of a buffet?
5. Talk about your favorite restaurant and its strategy on getting people in the door.

Man Lived in a Paris Airport for 18 Years

C1 – Advanced

For most people, having a flight delayed can be a cause for annoyance or stress. But can you imagine being stuck in an airport for almost two decades?

In this video, check out the bizarre story of Sir Alfred – a man who was stranded in Charles de Gaulle Airport for 18 years.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Who is Sir Alfred? What was his situation?
  2. According to the video, how can someone be ‘stateless’?
  3. Have you ever been trapped or stuck somewhere? Tell us about it.