Status Anxiety

C1 – Advanced

It’s quite normal when we meet someone new at a gathering or a party to be asked this common question “What do you do?” That’s one of the many reasons we aspire to advance in our position in the society including greater influence, higher quality of life, and well-being.

Notably, the desire for higher status may be accompanied by the experience of status anxiety. Status anxiety, according to Wikipedia can be defined as the constant tension or fear of being perceived as “unsuccessful” by the society in materialistic terms. Today, every individual constantly tries to outsmart others to climb up the social ladder.

Watch the video below to learn more about anxiety status.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is status anxiety? Are you particularly conscious of your status in the society?
  2. What are the factors that lead us to prove ourselves to the society?
  3. Do you think people around us in the world we live in are snobs or judgmental?
  4. Is it important to be at the top of your league?
  5. Do we have to conform with the society’s status standards?
  6. What is the best way to deal with status anxiety? Explain your point.

Is It Safe to Travel This Summer?

C1 – Advanced

Travel has drastically changed around the world during the Covid-19 pandemic. As borders reopened and barriers lifted, people feel the need to go on a getaway. While the pandemic still exists, there is so much uncertainty, leaving us with no clear-cut answer to our questions on traveling and safety.

Watch the video and be able to answer the discussion questions.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What things do you need to consider if you plan to travel these days?
  2. Do you think it is worthwhile to book a trip now or is it better to wait a little longer before doing so?
  3. Have you planned your summer vacation? If so, where and why have you picked out this travel destination?
  4. What are your safety precautionary measures when you travel in the midst of Covid-19?
  5. What kind of places do you think are safe to travel to nowadays?

Cross Cultural Communication

C1 – Advanced

Given different cultural backgrounds, people are faced with a challenge communicating with each other through verbal or non- verbal way of communicating, greetings, body language, and tone.

Let us watch a short clip on how to communicate with people from different cultural backgrounds.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your opinion on cross culture communications?
  2. How do people from different cultures communicate? How can we better communicate with individuals and groups whose first language, or language of choice, does not match our own?
  3. Which do you think is a better way to communicate – body language or verbal expressions?
  4. Do you think intercultural communication is easy or difficult? What problems have you had communicating with different cultures?
  5. Is basic understanding of cultural diversity a key to effective cross-cultural communications? Support your stand.

Why Socrates Hated Democracy

C1 – Advanced

Not a single type of government fits all. Let us get to know about the failures and loopholes of democracy according to Socrates.

Discussion Questions:

1. In your opinion, is the video opinion-based or factual?

2. What are your thoughts about voting being vested to educated people only?

3. What are your opinions on democracy?

The Worst Things about Working at Google

C1 – Advanced

I bet a lot of, if not all, people perceive working at Google as THE dream job. On the contrary, according to some people who have worked in this tech giant, sometimes, it’s not all “rainbows and ponies”.

Click on the link to read more on Googlers’ least favorite things about being employed at Google.

Discussion Questions:

1. Talk about some complaints Googlers have about working at Google.
2. What are your thoughts on these confessions?
3. What’s the best and worst thing about working in your company?
4. What comes to your mind when you hear “Google”?
5. What are important things you look for in a company you will work for?

What If You Never Learned Anything?

C1 – Advanced

Critical period is a period during someone’s development in which a particular skill or characteristic is believed to be most readily acquired. What if we passed the critical period without learning a language? Can we not teach an old dog new tricks? Watch the video and find out.

Discussion Questions:

1. Why is it important to learn a lot of things during the critical period?

2. What skills did you learn during your critical period? What skills did you learn passed the critical period?

3. What is something you have always wanted to learn but never got the chance to do so?

4. What did you first learn from your parents?

5. As a parent (future parent), how would you guide your child in his/her critical period?

6. Would you allow your child to be a human subject in a scientific research?