Summer Solstice

B2 – Upper Intermediate

The word solstice came from the Latin word “sol” that means “sun” and “sistere” which is “to stand still”. Summer Solstice is when the sun rises in its highest position in the sky and the day with the longest period of daylight.

Summer Solstice appears during summer, which is called June Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere while December Solstice in the Southern.

Let’s us learn more fun minutiae about this here:

Discussion Questions:

  1. Explain the dark history of Summer Solstice during the Viking Period.
  2. Do you experience Summer Solstice in your country?
  3. What time do the sun usually set in summer in your country? What adjustments do people do with longer daylight?
  4. Do you prefer a day with longer daylight? Why or Why not?
  5. What might be the good and bad things about long daylight?

New Type of Swimwear

B1 – Intermediate

If you are a beach lover, one of the things you probably enjoy doing are sunbathing and getting some tan. However, some people are not that keen on getting darker skin in some countries. They do everything so they can maintain their pale skin.

A swimwear shop owner was surprised when a customer demanded for her to design a ‘facekini’. Facekini is a new type of swimwear that can help prevent women from having darker skin while on the beach. It can also protect them from jellyfish stings. 

Listen to the audio and read the transcript to find out more about facekinis. 

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your reaction to this story?
  2. What are your thoughts on getting a tan? Do you enjoy being under the sun? Why or why not?
  3. What do you think of facekinis? 
  4. Do you think it could be a trend in your country too? Why or why not?
  5. How do you take care of your skin especially during summer?

Thousands of Stolen Artwork Found

B1 – Intermediate

On May 20, 2010 Pablo Picasso’s Le pigeon aux petit pois was stolen from a museum in Paris. The thieves must have gotten nervous and panicked. The $123 million painting was later found in a trashcan. Thankfully, it was retrieved. However, many other artworks that are stolen are never recovered.

Trafficking of stolen artworks is a big problem but with the cooperation of the Interpol, national police forces, and customs some pieces of art have been recovered.

Read more about problems with art theft from the link below.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What can you say about the good job that the police have done?
  2. What is your reaction that some art were stolen when some countries were at war?
  3. Why do think art theft is a big problem?
  4. What is your favorite piece of art and why?
  5. Name another artwork that you know has been stolen.


B1 – Intermediate

Every culture has something interesting about it. When people from different cultures live in one place, the city becomes a melting pot or multicultural. The world has become smaller because of multiculturalism. It is now very common to see cities that are melting pots of different cultures.

Listen to the audio and read the transcript about multiculturalism.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your opinion about multiculturalism?
  2. What are the good and bad things about a multicultural city?
  3. Do you live in a multicultural city? Have you ever been to a multicultural city? Talk about your experience.
  4. Which culture do you find most interesting? Why?
  5. What is most interesting about your culture?

Ninja Tourism

B1 – Intermediate

We probably know ninjas from movies, animations, comics and the likes. But in Japan, ninjas have been an important country symbol since the 15th century.

Find out how ninjas will help Japan increase tourism in their country.

Discussion Questions:
1. What are your thoughts on ninjas?
2. What do you think about using ninjas to increase tourism in Japan?
3. Talk about some of Spain’s country symbols.
4. How is tourism in Spain promoted to the world?
5. What are ways to attract tourists to a country?

Mad Cool Festival Chaos

B2 – Upper Intermediate

The Mad Cool Festival is a relatively new rock and pop festival held in Madrid in the summer. 80,000 tickets to the event sold out in a few days. Concert-goers were expecting 3 days of music, fun, and unforgettable moments. It was indeed unforgettable, but for entirely different reasons.

Read the article and find out what went “mad” at the Mad Cool Festival 2018.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Explain the article in your own words.
  2. What do you think the organizers should have done differently?
  3. Have you been to a concert or music festival before? Talk about your own experience.

Japan Fans Clean Up After Game

B1 – Intermediate

Japan beat Colombia in a World Cup game. After the game, Japanese fans cleaned up the stadium. They picked up their wrappers and food bags and placed them in large garbage bags they had brought with them.

Experts on Japanese culture were not surprised that this happened. They say that in Japan people like to keep places clean. It is normal for them to pick up trash off public spaces. They also are proud to be good guests. And as guests in Russia, they wanted to be respectful of their host country.

The US and other countries can learn a lot from this event. In US culture, it is not normal to clean up after yourself in stadiums, movie theaters or other public spaces.

The Japanese weren’t the only ones cleaning up after themselves. Senegal fans did the same after their game against Poland.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What can you say about this kind of behavior?
  2. Talk about a behavior Spanish are proud about.
  3. What do you know about Japanese culture?

The Menstruation Taboo in Rural Nepal Can Kill

B2 – Upper intermediate

Through the centuries, the fight for women’s rights has always been a slow and uphill battle. Although steady progress and changing attitudes towards women have been very positive in a lot of countries, there are others who still cling to tradition and see women as second-class citizens. For instance, in some parts of rural Nepal, a woman’s “period” is bizarrely regarded as a time of shame.

Read the article to find out more.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Explain the article in your own words.
  2. Talk about women’s rights in your country. What are some issues concerning women that are still regarded as taboo?
  3. What can be done to improve the plight of women around the world?

Is Cannibalism Unhealthy?

C1 – Advanced

Human cannibalism is the act or practice of humans eating the flesh or internal organs of another person. Many think of it as a gruesome procedure and is considered taboo in most countries. Although it is very rare nowadays, there are still some groups or cultures who continue doing this for religious or ritualistic purposes. In modern societies, some forms of cannibalism exist as well.

How nutritious though is the human body as a food source? Watch the video and tell us what you think.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Talk about the reasons stated in the video.
  2. How adventurous are you when it comes to food?
  3. Tell us about bizarre or exotic food in your country.


Interesting Facts about Spanish Culture

B1 – Intermediate

Spain has a lot to offer any sort of traveler. Spanish culture is just as fascinating as the nation’s coastlines and museums, and probably much more nuanced! Even if you spent years in Spain you most likely wouldn’t be able to uncover every aspect of the country’s vibrant traditions, but that doesn’t mean you won’t try, right?

Let’s check a few interesting facts about Spain and the Spanish way of life.


Discussion Questions:

1. What do you think is interesting about your culture?

2. What don’t you like about your culture?

3. When people from other countries think about your culture, what do they usually think of?