All Work and No Play

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Play is essential to development because it contributes to the cognitive, physical, social, and emotional well-being of children and youth. Despite the benefits derived from play for both children and parents, time for free play has been markedly reduced for some children. This report addresses a variety of factors that have reduced play, including a hurried lifestyle, changes in family structure, and increased attention to academics and enrichment activities at the expense of recess or free child-centered play.

Read the article further and be able to discuss  the following questions.

According to a study released last week, children who are unruly in schools may simply work too much and play too little. The study examined more than 10,000 elementary school children between the ages of eight and nine in the US. It discovered that children behaved notably better when they played for at least fifteen minutes during the school day. More recess resulted in children who were even better behaved.

The researchers who conducted the study concluded that children use creativity and imagination when on the playground. Kids also learn how to socially interact with one another, as well as develop problem-solving skills. Therefore recess plays an important role in the education of children. Child psychiatrists agreed with the study’s findings, describing the learning environment created when children are play.

In recent years, though, recess has been cut at many schools, in part because of an increased emphasis placed on tests. More attention has been placed on academics because American children regularly score lower on international tests. Thus the Bush administration created No Child Left Behind in 2001, in an attempt to help US kids become more academically competitive with their international peers. Schools with poor test results were punished. Unfortunately, as a result to boost scores, students studied more and played less.

As a result of the study, another discovery was also made. The schools with the shortest amount of breaks tended to originate from areas with lower incomes and lower education levels. Therefore, these already disadvantaged children were harmed more with little or no playtime at school. All work and no play can thus be viewed as a path to poorer social skills, poorer behavior in the classroom, and poorer test scores.


Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you agree that children should spend most of their day studying?
  2. Some people say that children who have piano, soccer, and other activities become smart adults. What you opinion about this?
  3. What’s a good balance between study and play for children? Why do you think so?
  4. How important are tests for children? Do tests accurately measure a child’s intelligence, skills, and/or abilities.Why do you think so?
  5. What is the education system like in your home country? Please explain.
  6. How can the education system in your home country be improved? Please explain.

Trump’s Plan Could Erase After School Program

B2 – Upper intermediate

Since taking office, President Trump’s administration has been rocking boats and challenging society with new policies. School programs is one of them.

Watch the video below then express your thoughts.


1. What is an after school program and how does it help children?
2. What do you think will happen if budget for after school programs will cease?
3. In your country, are there similar programs to help specific children (or families) in certain communities?
4. What improvements would you like your government to make when it comes to children and their education?


Homeschooling 101


B2 – Upper intermediate

Homeschooling in North America, or home education in the UK, is another educational option that parents consider for their children.

Read the article below to know more about educating a child at home then be ready to express your thoughts.

Homeschooling 101: What Is Homeschooling?


1. How do you feel about homeschooling? What are its advantages and disadvantages?
2. Is homeschooling gaining popularity in your country?
3. Home schooling avoids many problems such as bullying. What is your opinion on this?
4. Would you have preferred homeschooling or going to school? How different would you be today if you’d been homeschooled?
5. Would you consider homeschooling your children?

The Culture Shock of an International Student

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Culture shock is defined as feeling confused and anxious when you visit another country or city. It happens to everyone, even to young students who are more flexible and adaptable to a new environment.

Read the article below to know about the experience of one international student.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are your thoughts on and experiences studying abroad?
  2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being an international student?
  3. Have you experienced culture shock before? How did you cope with that?
  4. Share an experience you had in staying in another country. What are the things that matched with your expectations before coming to a country and which things didn’t?

Corporal Punishment in Schools

C1 – Advanced

Corporal punishment is disciplining by way of physically harming the child at fault. This kind of correction has been used in schools and many have spoken against it. Yet, there are some who think that the old practice of corporal punishment is something that should remain in institutions to teach restraint and self-control in children.

Read the article below and express your thought afterwards.

Corporal Punishment in Schools


1. How prevalent is corporal punishment in schools?
2. In your own opinion, should corporal punishment have a place in education? Why/Why not?
3. Do you see an advantage to using corporal punishment?

No More Homework!

B2 – Upper Intermediate

For years, schools have always given homework to students every single day. But recently, school officials, as well as parents, are saying no to more homework. A group of parents in Spain have recently gone on strike to protest their children’s school load.

No more homework! Spanish parents go on strike

Children have long complained about homework but parents in Spain are now joining in and have decided to go on strike against their offspring’s school load for the whole month of November.

Called by the Spanish Alliance of Parents’ Associations (CEAPA), a network that covers some 12,000 state schools across the country, the strike targets weekend homework for primary and high school students.

Jose Luis Pazos, president of the CEAPA, told AFP Wednesday parents had launched the unprecedented initiative due to “the absolute certainty that homework is detrimental” to children, damaging their extra-curricular development.

According to a 2012 PISA education report by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, Spain was the fifth nation with the most homework after Russia, Italy, Ireland and Poland out of 38 countries studied, with 6.5 hours a week compared to an average of 4.9.

The workload does not necessarily translate in better results for Spanish students, whom the PISA report traditionally gives low scores in maths, reading and science.

By contrast, in Finland and South Korea — two of the countries with best student performances according to PISA — the average time spent on homework every week was less than three hours.

Pazos said that education in Spain was still very reliant on the traditional method of rote-learning — memorising work.  

Pointing to the availability of information in current society, he said that “what we have to teach children isn’t to memorise everything, but how to manage information, to be critical, to select what is worth it and what isn’t.”  

“Society has changed deeply, but the environment in the classroom hasn’t.”

Discussion Questions:

1. What do you think of the article?
2. Are you for or against giving homework to students?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of giving homework to students?
4. What was the most difficult homework you had to do when you were still a student?

Why Finland’s Schools are Successful

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Finland has been delivering educational excellence to its children and this country’s success in education has other nations doing their research.

Click on the link below to find out why Finland’s schools are successful.

Discussion Questions:

1. What makes Finland’s schools successful?
2. Tell me about your country’s educational system.
3. Do you think your country would benefit if it follows Finland’s way?
4. What can your country adopt from Finland’s educational system?

Free Speech: Is Saying Something Offensive Fine?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

In 2015, The Pew Research Center conducted a survey on 38 countries to elicit their thoughts on freedom of speech. The results might come as a surprise, yet it is indeed very timely.

It is perhaps high time to open conversations on the importance of creating safe spaces and setting trigger warnings to protect students from learning materials or expressed opinions that might be troubling for them.

Listen to this podcast and be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are “safe space” and “trigger warning”? How are they important especially to students?
  2. What is your opinion on free speech at educational institutions?
  3. Are students free enough to express their opinions during class discussions?
  4. Should teachers be able to express their honest opinions on every matter or should they consider their students beliefs as well?
  5. Do you think the media in your country is able to report news freely?
  6. What may be the advantages of censorship?

Technology Helps Deaf Students at Gallaudet University

B1 – Intermediate

There have been many studies of how technology can be bad for us. But the video below will show how technology can help some people in society be more confident in facing the world and its daily challenges.

Watch the video and be ready to discuss it.


1. Explain how technology is being used in Galludet university.
2. How is technology helping the deaf and the hard-of-hearing students in Galludet university?
3. Are there organizations or colleges in your country that accommodate students with disabilities?
4. What are other ways technology can do to help people with disabilities?

Education Woes

B1 – Intermediate

Education is something that every citizen should have. It is important and beneficial to the future of a child. But, some powerful countries are starting to have a little bit of problem in this area.

Read the article below and be ready to answer the questions that follow.

More than 10% of high schools in the US are “dropout factories.” This insulting nickname applies to schools where less than 60% of students graduate.

Most of these schools are in large urban centers which also have a lot of poverty. The neighborhoods may have high rates of crime, drugs, and violence. However, some dropout factories are also located in areas with numerous blue-collar jobs. These neighborhoods and towns often haven’t traditionally emphasized the importance of high school graduation.

Many of the students at these dropout factories enter with poor reading, writing, and math skills. For example, some kids may enter ninth grade with a fifth grade reading ability. Because of these difficulties, so many of these children don’t have opportunities as adults.

Japan faces a different problem. Private high schools are available to many kids who don’t have academic or social skills for traditional schools. These private high schools are expensive, but very easy to enter. Students can fail tests, skip homework, text friends, and even sleep in class, yet they will still graduate. These schools have been called “degree mills.”

Additional education woes come out of England. Although the government has supported a massive program to raise reading rates, there hasn’t been much change. The reading rates are the same as the rates in the 1950s.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What is/was your high school like? Please explain.
  2. How important is education for success? Why do you think so?
  3. What can be done to improve education and graduation rates?
  4. Are there similar problems in your country? Are there different problems?
  5. Will children receive a better or worse education in the future? Why?