New Exercise Trend Helps Environment

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Running is a very popular exercise nowadays. Isn’t it frustrating to see garbage everywhere? A new fitness trend combines the famous workout running and picking up trash on the streets.

“Plogging” is a combination of the Swedish word “plocka” and the word “jogging”. It originated in Sweden.

Find out more about plogging. Listen to the audio and read the transcript.

Discussion Questions:
1. What is your opinion about plogging?
2. Why is it important to take care of our health?
3. What things do you do to stay healthy?
4. Why is it necessary to care for the environment?
5. What things do you do to help save the environment?

Living Without Plastic

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Whether we like it or not, we feel and see the drastic changes in our environment these days. About 71 percent of our planet is made up of water and most of it is now contaminated with plastics brought about by human consumption and improper disposal.

Let’s discuss how plastics destroy the environment and what we can do to save the planet.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you think it is hard to live without plastics? Why or why not?
  2. Should the use of plastics be regulated? Would it be easy or not to to do so? Why or why not?
  3. What are the alternatives to plastics and using them?
  4. What do you do in order to reduce your and your family’s plastic use?
  5. Why is it important to be aware of the effects of using plastics?
  6. Would it be easy for us to nourish and care for our polluted planet?

What If Humans Disappeared?

C1 – Advanced

Humans have been around for about six million years, and our effects on the planet cannot be understated. We have contributed significantly to the changes in the Earth’s landscapes, global warming, sea level rise, ocean acidification, biodiversity, and many more. So, what would the world be like if humans vanished?

Watch the video below.

Discussion Questions:

1. About the video:
a. What would happen the moment everyone vanished?
b. What would happen days to weeks after humans vanished?
c. What would happen after years and thousand of years after the vanishing?

2. If everyone vanished except you, what do you think would be the first things that would affect you? How would you survive?

3. What are your realizations after watching the video?

Zero-Waste Lifestyle

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Think about how much waste you’ve produced in two years. How much do you think it is?

Lauren Singer has striven to live a zero waste life after she realized how much she is contributing to the environment’s degradation. With her new lifestyle, she was able to fit all her trash the past two years in a mason jar. Is it possible?

Let her give you a sneak peak into this lifestyle through this video.

Discussion Questions:
1. What are some benefits of a garbage-free lifestyle?
2. What are the challenges we might encounter in trying to live waste-free?
3. What do you think about her lifestyle?
4. How do you contribute to reducing waste and protecting the environment?

Digitizing Old Weather Reports

© BBC News

C1 – Advanced

At a time when we depend on computers so much, we opt to digitize everything.

Old handwritten weather data from the Ben Nevis weather station are aimed to be copied into a database.

Learn more about the old way they gathered weather data at Ben Nevis and the quest to have all records digitized.

Discussion Questions:

1. Do you think that the project is relevant? Why or why not?
2. How can the digitized weather data be helpful for us at present and in the future?
3. Given a chance, would you be willing to volunteer in a project such as this?
4. Asked which is more accurate between a computer or a human, Prof. Hawkins said, “for accuracy, the human eyes still do it better”. Do you agree or disagree with him.

Snow in Spain Traps Thousands

B1 – Lower Intermediate

Spain has experienced drought last year but at the beginning of this year there was a huge amount of snow fall which trapped thousands of people on the road for more than 13 hours.

Let us read the full story of the article from the link below and let’s start a discussion.

Snow in Spain traps thousands of people in cars overnight

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think of the drastic changes of the weather?
  2. Have you ever experienced being stranded in a place because of snow?
  3. Do you think this incident could have been avoided? How?

Light Pollution

B2 – Upper Intermediate

As far as history goes, night time has always been associated with darkness. Nowadays, it hasn’t been the case anymore.

We’re lighting the world up at an alarming rate and we don’t know it.

Watch the video about increasing light pollution.

Discussion Questions:

1. What was mentioned about Spain’s radiance in the video?
2. What do you know about light pollution?
3. What are the pros and cons of overly brightly-lit towns/cities?
4. Talk about light pollution in your city.
5. What can you do to reduce light pollution?

UK Ban on Petrol and Diesel Cars

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Undeniably, air pollution has been a problem in every country around the world. No wonder a lot of car companies are heading for electric and hybrid cars in the future. Just recently, the UK has announced its plans to fight air pollution by banning petrol and diesel cars starting 2040.

Is it a good idea or will it be a little too late by then?  Let’s read the article below and let us know your opinion about the subject.

Let’s talk:

1. What do you think about Britain’s plan to ban the sale of new petrol and diesel cars from 2040?
2. Would you support such a ban in your country? Why? Why not?
3. How long do you think it will be before all cars on the road are electric? Why?
4. Do you believe that electric cars will be cheaper to maintain than ICE cars by 2025-2029? Why? Why not?
5. What do you think governments should do to encourage people to buy electric cars?
6. Why do you think some people are still skeptical about electric cars?

Mediterranean Sea Acidification

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Research shows that a portion of the Mediterranean Sea’s acidity has reached an almost 7-percent increase. This phenomenon poses a threat on sea creatures like oysters and mussels.

Discussion Questions:

1. In your own words, describe the cause/s and effect/s of ocean acidification.
2. Based on the article, what caused the acidification of the Mediterranean Sea, and what are its effects?
3. In your opinion, what will be the impact of this phenomenon on countries like Italy, France and Spain?

Tackling Air Pollution


B2 – Upper intermediate

Aside from politics and the economy, pollution is also a growing issue in most countries. Air pollution has become more and more evident in the past years that people from different walks of life are trying to lessen air pollution in their own little way.

Read the article below and express your thoughts about it.

Discussion Questions:

1. How is your government addressing the issue of air pollution?
2. How would you describe pollution in your city?
3. What are some of the places you visited that you would consider very clean?
4. Do you enjoy living in your current city?