Divorce Lawyers

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Marriage is a commitment. It’s a commitment to do whatever is necessary to make the marriage work. There are times when it just won’t work despite the compromise the couples make. When is it right to surrender?

Let’s listen to Phil’s potential divorce story.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is going on between Sharon and Phil?
  2. What reasons does Phil have to justify his divorce? What does Tonya think about them?
  3. What does “call it quits” mean?
  4. Do you think Phil is ready for a married life?
  5. Do you have high divorce rate in your country? What are the common reasons couple get divorced?
  6. What do you think of divorce lawyers? Are they in demand and highly paid in your country?

Dating Violence Against Men

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Dating abuse or dating violence is the commission or threat of a violent act by a member of a relationship outside marriage usually during the dating or courtship period. It usually starts when one partner maintains total control over the other by means of violence and constant abuse. Although seldom reported, men can be victims of dating violence too.

Listen to this audio about dating violence against men.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Who is Brandon? What predicament is he in?
  2. What did he do to get out of this messy situation?
  3. Have you heard of real cases of domestic violence against men?
  4. Why do you think it is hard for men to come forward and talk about abuse?
  5. Since male victims are usually unwilling to seek for help, how do you think the society can encourage them to open up about dating violence?

Honey, Are You Listening?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Communication is probably one of the most difficult parts of any relationship. Meanings get lost in translation because of poor communication or even worse when your partner just isn’t interested in what you have to say.

Let’s listen to this all too familiar couple’s conversation on communication.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is the main issue the couple is talking about?
  2. What steps do they plan to take to resolve it?
  3. What does ” hold one’s tongue” mean?
  4. What are the qualities of a good listener?
  5. Do you have someone you always talk to to feel better?

Should Kids Financially Support Their Parents?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Watching your parents age can be a scary prospect, especially as they approach the point when they need more help from you more than ever.

If your parents have money troubles, they may come to you for financial help. It can be difficult to help your parents financially while you are also struggling with student loans, credit card debts, or providing for your own family. 

Read this article about turning of tables when children are the ones supporting their parents.


Discussion Questions:

  1. Do/Would you help your parents financially? Why or why not?
  2. In your opinion, should children be financially responsible for their parents when they’re old?
  3. How can you help your parents manage their finances?
  4. At what age should you stop asking your parents for money?
  5. Should parents support their child financially until they’re grown?

Are Children of Same -Sex Parents Disadvantaged?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

The well-being of children who are being raised by same-sex parents has gained more and more attention over the past few years. Opponents have argued that “same-sex parenting” adversely affects children. However, various scientific research show that gay and lesbian parents are as fit and capable as heterosexual parents. They do not raise their children any differently than heterosexual couples do.

Watch the video and be able to answer the questions that follow:

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are your thoughts on the points discussed in the video?
  2. In general, what are your thoughts on same-sex parenting? Why or why not?
  3. How is it like for same-sex parents in your country? Are there changes that still needs to be done for families in this setup?
  4. Is sexual orientation a problem when adopting a child? Does it affect the welfare of the child’s upbringing? Explain your answer.
  5. Are children in traditional families better than the non- traditional ones? Why or why not?

Paternity Leave Extended in Spain

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Effective 1 January 2021, fully-paid paternity and maternity leave will be the same duration of 16 weeks. This can be considered as one of the most generous for men.

Read on this good news for families in Spain.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your opinion on this new entitlement for fathers in Spain?
  2. What do you think are the pros and cons of this new rule?
  3. Discuss your opinion on this statement: “The fact that women are able to leave their jobs for longer is detrimental to them professionally as it makes them seem less committed to their jobs”.
  4. How can we change the norm where women are the ones who most often reduce their working hours for care purposes of children and elderly dependents?
  5. If you are a mom or a dad, talk about your experience during your maternity or paternity leave/s.

Can Exes Be Friends?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Are you familiar with “Can we still be friends?”, a very iconic song by Todd Rundgren from 1978. Until now, it has been a question on everyone’s mind whether ex lovers can remain friends. Some might say that it is possible if you are both matured enough but for others, it is only a complicated relationship that shouldn’t be considered.

Let’s watch the video below to learn more.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are the usual reasons why lovers break up?
  2. Do you think that exes can really be friends? Why or why not?
  3. Is it healthy to be friends with your ex? Explain your side.
  4. What would be the complications if ever?
  5. Cite any benefits of being friends with your ex.
  6. Are you friends with any of your ex/exes? Why or why not?

When Adoption Is a Good Option For You

B2 – Upper Intermediate

There are couples who dream and desire to raise a child. When you adopt a child, you become a parent. One of the rewards that comes with it is the feeling of fulfillment in providing a home to a child and the joy of becoming a parent.

However, before venturing into this, there are some things you should consider if adoption is really a good option for you.

Read the article and be able to answer the questions that follow:


Discussion Questions:

  1. Is adoption common in your country?
  2. Do you agree with the article? What do you think of adoption?
  3. Do you think parents who adopt, have the same kind of love for their adopted child as biological parents have with their child?

Should Stay-at-Home Parents Be Paid?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

At this time, many would agree that both parents should be employed to sustain one’s family’s needs. However, this isn’t the case for everybody. Some couples decide that one parent should remain at home to take care of the children and of course, the household chores and that one parent isn’t paid either by the government or by their respective spouses.

It has been a much debated topic whether it is time to recognize the economic value of domestic labor.

Watch the video below to further understand this topic.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think about domestic labor? Do you think it is a challenging job that needs to be paid? Why and why not?
  2. What are the downsides of paying stay-at-home parents? Do you think more parents would rather stay at home and never work outside? Is it necessarily bad?
  3. Do you think this idea would increase gender inequality?
  4. Could we consider this idea an investment in children?
  5. In your opinion, would you choose to be a stay-at-home parent? Would the possibility of a pay for such work affect your decision?

Is Childhood Today Over-Supervised?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Many have observed and compared how childhood evolved and embarked on changes as time goes by. It isn’t as free and wild as before when children used to venture on going to a forest with their buddies without any adult supervision. They could even enjoy some traditional games with their mates in the neighborhood not minding all the mess and stinky smell for as long as they are embracing that liberty to be closer to nature which is significantly different nowadays as we rarely see children running freely in an open space and discovering the outdoors or the world around them these days.

Read the article below for more information on over-supervised childhood.


Discussion Questions:

  1. How would you describe your childhood? Would you say you were free?
  2. Did your parents allow you to discover the world around you when you were young or did they supervise your every move and made sure you were alright all the time?
  3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of unsupervised and supervised parenting?
  4. In your opinion, are children of today overly supervised? Why or why not?