A Heavy-Weight Country

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Obesity does not get as much press as climate change, political dissent, or financial crises. Nonetheless, it is worthy of public attention. It is a growing problem in America today and no doubt, in other parts of the world too. Stateside, it is forecasted to affect half of all American adults by the next decade if left unchecked.

Read the following article to learn more about the state of obesity in the US.

America is Becoming a Heavy-Weight Country

Discussion Questions:

  1. To what extent is obesity a problem in your country?
  2. What factors lead to obesity?
  3. What measures have been taken by your government to curb obesity?
  4. Describe what you consider a healthy lifestyle that reduces the likelihood of obesity.

Marriage Makes You Less Stressed

B1 – Intermediate

Getting hitched can have its pros and cons. In this lesson, we find out one advantage of being married. A study reveals that being married helps your body have lower cortisol levels. Cortisol is a stress hormone.

Read the lesson below to find out more about this study and be ready to answer the questions that follow. 


Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you agree or disagree: Marriage is good for our health?
  2. In your opinion, how do relationships influence health and diseases?
  3. In your country, do you think fewer and fewer are getting married? What do you think are the reasons for this?

Aromatherapy: Uses, Facts and Health Benefits

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Aromatherapy or essential oil therapy refers to a range of traditional or alternative therapy that uses essential oils and other aromatic plant compounds. It has been used for thousands of years, with the aim of improving a person’s health or mood. Aromatherapy applications include massage, topical applications, and inhalation.

Watch the video to know more about it and be able to answer the questions that follow:

Discussion Questions:

  1. What springs to your mind when you hear the word “aromatherapy”?
  2. What do you know about “aromatherapy”?
  3. Do you think it is a good form of treatment? Why/Why not?
  4. Would you like to try it to treat your illness?
  5. How does your society view this traditional treatment?

A Good Time to Improve Your Health

B2 – Upper Intermediate

The Coronavirus, which originated in Wuhan, China, has become a global phenomenon with over 70,000 confirmed cases and more than 2,000 deaths as of this writing.

This health emergency has highlighted the need to improve hygiene standards and practice proper cold and flu etiquette.

Read the article that follows to learn why the current virus threat is a good time to improve your health and discover some practical ways to achieve this.


Discussion Questions:

  1. How often do you catch a cold or get the flu? What could be the possible causes for these?
  2. What are some of the things you do to safeaguard your health?
  3. What is the recommended way to wash one’s hands as stated in the article?
  4. What are examples of etiquette to observe during the flu and cold season?

Ways to Live Longer

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Live healthy and live longer, right? There are many ways to live longer and I think it’s about time we re-asses our life to live better and longer. 

Let’s read the article below and consider the simple steps to live longer. 


Discussion Questions:

  1. Talk about your lifestyle.
  2. What are the habits you want to change?
  3. What are the habits you want to have?
  4. How do you intend to achieve longevity?
  5. Do you want to live a very long life? Why or why not?

Big Breakfasts Help Burn More Calories

B1 – Intermediate

Some people don’t usually have breakfast so they don’t gain wait. However, a recent study shows that making big breakfasts a daily habit can help you lose weight. It could also help you burn more calories throughout the day.

Read the article to find out why some researchers recommend patients with obesity as well as healthy people to eat a significant amount of food for breakfast.


Discussion Questions:

  1. How important is breakfast for you?
  2. Do you always have breakfast in the morning or do you skip it? Why/Why not?
  3. Do you agree that big breakfasts could result to weight loss?
  4. What do you usually have to get through the day?
  5. What are other ways to lose weight that you know of?
  6. What is the most important meal of the day for you?

Hair Dyes and Straighteners Linked to Higher Cancer Risk

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Whether fine, thick, long, short, curly, or straight, your hair deserves respect. It is our crowning glory, so it deserves much care and attention. Just be careful with the products that we use as some of them are linked to a higher risk of breast cancer. Caveat emptor.


Discussion Questions:

  1. How do you think this study can impact society?
  2. How do you take care of your hair?
  3. Should hair dyes and straighteners be banned from the market?
  4. How in demand are hair grooming products in your country?

China Battles Corona Virus

B1- Intermediate

China is ramping up for containment measures as other countries are preparing for a major outbreak that has killed 56 people and infected at least 1,975 more.


Discussion Questions:

1. What is coronavirus? How serious is it?

2. What is your reaction to this news?

3. What would you do if there was an outbreak in your country?

4. Do you think scientists will find a cure for the coronavirus?

Sugar Overdose

B1 – Intermediate

Sugar has remained to be a very common ingredient in our food. It is added to practically everything such as bread, tea, juice, meat, and even coffee. Nowadays, people are warned to be careful with how much sugar they consume as it can negatively affect one’s health.

Read the article and be able to discuss the questions that follow:


Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you have a sweet tooth? How often do you eat sweets?
  2. Where do you usually get your coffee? How do you like it?
  3. What are the negative effects of having too much sugar in our body?

Remarkable Ways Dogs Comfort Us When We’re Sick

Researchers provide us with information about the therapeutic benefits of dogs, both physical and psychological. Dogs have a remarkable sense of smell which detects illnesses and changes in people’s behavior. The positive reactions to pet dogs can also stimulate social bonding, relaxation, and trust, and ease stress.

Our dogs can make us feel better. Read the article below to see how dogs know when and how to provide support and comfort for us when we’re not in the pink of health.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think of pet dogs? How do you feel being with them?
  2. Have you ever been comforted by a dog before?
  3. Do you agree with what the article says?
  4. What are some other popular pets in your country?