Te proponemos aprender inglés con canciones

¿Has notado alguna vez que eres capaz de repetir frases completas en inglés de tu canción favorita? Incluso sin tener grandes conocimientos del idioma eres capaz de recordar estribillos completos y con un buen acento. Ésta es una de las capacidades de la música: poder ser recordada, aunque sea en otro idioma. ¿Por qué no utilizar entonces la música como una herramienta más para mejorar tu inglés? ¿Por qué no aprender inglés con canciones?

A continuación, te vamos a dar algunos trucos para que puedas aprender con canciones subtituladas en inglés y que de esta manera, la música sea una herramienta más en tu aprendizaje.

Goosebumps with Music, a Sign of Special Brain

B1 – Intermediate

Have you ever listened to a song that sent shivers down your spine?  A research shows that if music gives you the chills or goosebumps, then something in your brain might be unique.

Discover more by reading the article below.


Discussion Questions:

1. What type of music do you like?

2. What is your favorite song? What emotions do you have when you listen to it?

3. What one song makes you emotional? What memory does it remind you of?

4. What gives you goosebumps?

5. How do you deal with your life’s sad moments?

Video: Kenya’s Catchy Pop Hit

B2 – Upper intermediate

If you’re into music then you’ll find this story interesting. The video below is good practice for your listening skills. Feel free to watch it more than once. The text below the video will give you extra details about the short story.

Kenya’s catchy pop hit that took the world by storm


1. How did the song “Jambo Bwana” come to life? What was its inspiration?
2. What did you think of the tune or the melody of the pop song?
3. What are some of the local songs in your country that are considered a classic and are still played on the radio?
4. What are some of your preferences when it comes to music?