When Should I Tip?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Tipping is important social custom in some countries but can be super confusing too. When and how much to tip depends on a number of factors, including the situation, service, or even the location. Tipping is not about generosity. Tipping used to be about gratitude for good service but as the minimum wage never increased, workers have to resort to depending on it to have a bit more on top of their basic pay.

Watch this video to learn more about tipping.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Is tipping a part of your culture?
  2. What is tipping for you? What part of tipping confuses you?
  3. Is it necessary to tip?
  4. When and how much do you usually tip?
  5. Why do you think tipping became a part of some countries’ norm?

Why It Pays To Be Hungry?

B2 – Upper-Intermediate

There are tons of successful people and they have different stories to tell. My personal favorite is the ones who didn’t get their success overnight. Those who fought hard to achieve everything they want.

Successful people struggled too. They have struggled but they continued. They have doubted themselves countless times but every night, they still envision themselves winning. They don’t just give up easily and that’s what makes them different.

Here’s a motivational speech from Les Brown:

Discussion Questions:

  1. What can you say about Les Brown’s story?
  2. Why do people quit on their dreams?
  3. Have you ever doubted yourself? Cite your experience.
  4. What does Les Brown mean when he said, “You have to stay hungry”?
  5. Talk about the lowest point in your life and how you overcame it?

How Will Coronavirus Change the Way We Live?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

This year of upheaval has been very challenging to all of us not only because of the ongoing pandemic, but as well as the racial justice protests, the downturn of the economy without modern precedent and the unprecedented number of natural calamities experienced everywhere.

It seemed life is being flipped with this extreme turn of events. Many of us, if not complaining, have wondered why we have to face or suffer too much this year. For some, this is very perplexing to comprehend.


Discussion Questions:

  1. How’s your experience been so far this year? Is it challenging or somehow manageable?
  2. What aspect of this year’s local, national, or global news was the most profound for you? Is it the pandemic? The new normal? Or the racial discrimination protest? Something else? Why?
  3. How will you answer the big question: “How has 2020 challenged or changed you?
  4. Have you been dealing with all this well or have you somehow struggled to get through it? Share your experiences and motivations to live life in this challenging times.

When Life Breaks You

B2 – Upper Intermediate

A lot of people wants to be successful but only a few are willing to take actions. It takes a lot of courage to go after what you want despite uncertainties. The thought of going out of your comfort zone could be really challenging but sometimes, you just have to take a leap and decide that you no longer want to be mediocre.

It can be tiring and scary chasing after your goals but then you won’t mind any of that anymore because you are chasing the right thing: your passion.

Watch the video on how Steve Harvey pursued his dreams.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Why going out of your comfort zone could be beneficial?
  2. What does success mean to you? What are you passionate about?
  3. Why do you think some people would settle for something familiar than something new?
  4. What are the things that drive you to pursue your dreams?
  5. Talk about the things that you’ve done for your dreams.
  6. What are the things that could one do to find his/her passion?


B2 – Upper Intermediate

Our reaction to all the things that are happening in our lives has a really great impact on what will happen to our future. We make decisions and act according to what and how we feel presently. Our perspective in different situations might make or break us. After all, they say that a negative mind will never give you a positive life.

Let us find out what happened to the old lady on how changing her perspective helped her a lot in having a happy life.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Can you tell the summary of the story of the old lady?
  2. What is perspective?
  3. Are you an optimist or a pessimist?
  4. What did the monk advise her?
  5. Do you agree with the monk?
  6. If you are to give an advise to the old lady, what will you tell her?
  7. How do you deal with the negative things that are happening in your life?

I Can’t Do It

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Many people are struggling from depression and the worst part is they are dealing with it just by themselves. Causes of it are usually bad experiences and misfortunes.

However, this woman was able to cope up with this in spite of all the challenges she had to go through. And now, she’s known as one of the most famous writers not only in her country but all around the globe.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Why do you think the title of the video is “I Can’t Do It”?
  2. How do you cope up with sad moments in life?
  3. What can you say about the story of JK Rowling?
  4. What have you learned from JK Rowling’s life story?
  5. Are you a fan of Harry Potter? What is your favorite part of the novel? Why?

The Power of Education

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Educating yourself is one of the best things you can do to help yourself grow and become knowledgeable. There is a saying that goes, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world “.

The story in this video will somehow prove us that education can really change the world.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What can you say about the story of Frederick Douglass?
  2. How was education instrumental to his life?
  3. How has education helped you in your life?
  4. How will you explain Frederick Douglass’ famous saying “If there is no struggle, there is no progress”.
  5. Do you believe that education is powerful? Explain your answer or cite example situations.

He Failed 1000 Times

B2 – Upper Intermediate

All of us want to be successful in this race called life. However, it is impossible to reach success without going through failures and hardships.

In this video, we will learn how one of the most popular cooks in the world became known despite thousands of rejections and misfortunes.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Have you experienced failure?
  2. What was your biggest failure that you’ve had so far?
  3. How did cope up with it?
  4. What can you say about the story?
  5. If you were in Colonel Harland Sanders’ situation, will you do the same? Why/why not?

This Guy Was Accidentally Buried Alive and This Is What Happened

B2 – Upper Intermediate

If you knew this was your last day on Earth, how would you want to spend it? Death is scary. It can make us think about what we want to do with our lives.

I couldn’t think of anything worse than a slow and painful death. I couldn’t imagine someone waking up in their coffin just to die again.

Unfortunately, a lot of people were buried alive due to negligence and imagining what they had gone through is completely horrendous. As terrifying as it may seem, it’s still possible to survive being buried six feet under alive.

Watch the video and know how to escape this predicament.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Why are there many people who got buried alive in the past? What do they do if the dead resurrects?
  2. If this happened to someone you know, how’d you feel seeing someone “come back from the dead”?
  3. According to the video, what must one do in order to escape?
  4. Why do they have to bury the dead 6 ft under?
  5. Why are there people trying to bury themselves alive?

What’s Hidden on the Forbidden North Sentinel Island?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

One of the most intriguing places on the planet would be the
North Sentinel Island. How so? On this infamous & unspoiled island, a unique civilization can be found. This is the home of one of the most mysterious tribe – the Sentinelese.

According to scientists, the Sentinelese have been living in complete self-isolation for almost 60,000 years; thus, they don’t know anything about the rest of the world. They don’t have any idea about computers, schools, or businesses. They have been living on their own, unbothered.

Know more about this tribe as you watch the video.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Why is it an infamous island? Why is the island being protected?
  2. How do the Sentinelese people live? What makes their civilization unique?
  3. Why do you think a lot of scientists want to visit the North Sentinel island?
  4. If you could visit the island, what would you want to ask the Sentinelese?
  5. What do you think is hidden in North Sentinel?