Canadian Prime Minister in Black and Brown Face

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been caught in a controversy wherein photographs of him wearing a face make-up to look like a brown/black-skinned person emerged. Justin Trudeau has apologized for his embarrassing and offensive actions of racism since.

Let’s watch the news below:


Discussion Questions:

1. What is your opinion on this headline?

2. What are your thoughts on dressing up as someone of different color at a party/event?

3. If you were Trudeau how would you handle this row?


Empty-Nesters are Happier

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Perhaps it’s true what they say: having children does make a person happier but research shows, some parents only feel so after their children had left the nest.

Find out more about why empty nesters are happier parents.

Discussion Questions:

1. Who really is happier — people with or without children?
2. What is your opinion on the statement: “parents are happier, but only after their children had moved out”? What do you think this implies?
3. What are the positive and negative aspects of parenthood?

Never Run Out of Things to Say in Conversation

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Do you meet awkward silences during your talks with anyone?

Here are some tips to make a conversation more effective and interesting.


Discussion Questions:

1. What is your opinion of the video?

2. Are you a sociable person?

3. How do you engage in conversation with other people?

4. What topics do you usually talk about? What topics do you avoid?

5. What are other ways to have a smooth interaction/conversation with other people?

The Ship of Theseus

B2 – Upper Intermediate

“To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly.”

Are you the same person seven years ago? If not, who is the real you: the person you were before, or the person you are now? Here’s philosophy’s one big question.

Discussion Questions:

1. What is The Ship of Theseus about?

2. How would you answer the hanging questions about The Ship of Theseus?

3. Cite some notable changes in your life over the years.

4. In your opinion, what gives us our identity?

If Half of the Population Were Wiped Out

C1 – Advanced

Imagine if half of the population were randomly wiped out in just a snap. How would the society function after such a decimation? Could this end up being a good thing for humanity?

Discussion Questions:

1. What atrocious situations would happen the moment half of the population were wiped out?

2. What would happen after humans adjusted to it?

3. How do you see this from an ethical perspective?

4. If you were in this situation, how would you deal with this new world?

Why are We Attracted to People Who Look Like Us?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

We have heard the phrase: “opposites attract” before. Is it always the case though? When choosing our life/romantic partner, do we tend to abide by this idea or do we look for someone who we have more similarities with?

Watch the video and be able to discuss the questions that follow:

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is assortative mating? Do you agree with this study?
  2. What do you look for in a partner?
  3. Explain the experiment conducted discussed in the video. Were you surprised with the result of the said experiment?

The Rising Popularity of Comfy Shoes

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Everyone seems to be wearing or owning a pair of comfortable shoes these days. Comfort shoes such as trainers are now on trend as trendsetters are popularizing them. Many believe that comfort is more important than style. But, if you could mix them, it would much better. There is a mass casualization known as streetwear trend happening over the years as what one of a fashion editor has said.

Listen to the podcast and learn more about this topic.

Discussion Questions:

1. What has caused people to wear comfy shoes recently?
2. Are you wearing or owning a pair of comfy shoes?
3. Do you prefer comfort over style? If so, why?
4. According to the podcast, what is the streetwear trend?

Greatest Thieves in History

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Have you ever taken something that is not yours? Why did you do it? Was it out of necessity or was it just for kicks?

Watch the video and learn more about the greatest thieves in history and their reasons for stealing.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you think stealing is an addiction?
  2. In your opinion, who is the worst thief among the ones featured in the video?
  3. What is the punishment for stealing in your country?
  4. Do you know any famous thieves from your country?

Paradox of Unanimity

C1 – Advanced

When majority of the people agree on something, it is easy to conclude that it may be true/reliable or it is the right thing to do. However, in ancient Jewish law, it was the opposite. If the defendant was found guilty unanimously then he would be acquitted. Why was that so? Lawmakers back then observed that when there is unanimous agreement, there is the presence of systemic flaws in their judicial process.

Watch the video to know about the paradox of unanimity and know whether we should trust unanimous decisions.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is the paradox of unanimity?
  2. Have you ever agreed on something  because most people around you have done so?
  3. What does the last phrase, “if it is too good to be true, it probably is” mean?


Going Through Your Spouse’s Phone

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Honesty in a marriage is so important. You can’t build a strong relationship on half-truths and half-lies. However, is it necessary to have your phone checked or you checking on your spouse’s phone?

Watch this video and weigh in on whether or not it is okay to go through your spouse’s phone.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Is it okay to go through your partner/spouse’s phone? Why or why not?
  2. What reasons does the speaker put out why women check their husband’s phone? Do you think they are justifiable reasons? Explain your thoughts.
  3. How do you get your better half to open up to you?
  4. How can privacy exist in a marriage?