B2 – Upper Intermediate
It is common for voters to feel a personal connection to the highest leader of their country. This personal connection is comparable to that of a close family member. This is why when voters choose their candidate, they also take into account the parenting skills of their chosen president-to-be. The public image of the candidate’s children could be as significant as theirs in the voters’ eyes.
Let’s read the article and know more about some notable presidential children and how their image affected their presidential parent’s political image.
Vocabulary Questions:
- What does “reviled” mean? “As a historian of the American presidency, I see the case of Hunter Biden as a revealing indicator of the ways that presidential children have figured in American public life, whether they were beloved or reviled.” Give 2 synonyms and use “reviled” in a sentence.
- Define “rough-and-tumble“. “The assumption that young children should be free from the political rough-and-tumble has recently made them highly effective symbols for presidential image-making.” Use this idiom in your own sentence.
- What is the meaning of the phrasal verb “harken back“? “His approach harkened back to the 19th century, when presidents appointed their adult sons to office while young children rarely appeared in public. ” Use it in a sentence.
Discussion Questions:
- Who is Hunter Biden and what are his legal troubles?
- How do presidential children affect their parent’s likelihood of winning/losing in an election?
- In your opinion, is it fair for the immediate family members of politicians to have their private lives on public display? Why or why not?
- How can this relationship result to nepotism? Is nepotism at this level common in your country?
- Talk about a controversial presidential child that you know of.