The Great Pocket Conspiracy

B2 – Upper Intermediate

If you’re a woman, you’ve probably noticed that the pockets on your pants are much shallower than those of men’s and if you’re a man, you’ve probably heard about this complaint a lot. But have you ever wondered why? Why are women’s pockets so shallow? Is it a product of misogyny, politics, or greed? And if so, why would it influence women’s pockets in all things?

Explore this topic further by watching the video below.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. Do you know the meaning of “political statement“? “The French Revolution caused a wave of changes to clothes of all kinds, as what you wore suddenly was seen as a political statement.” Use this in your own sentence.
  2. What does “sleek style” mean? “Despite men’s fashion settling into a sleeker style during this period..” Try to construct your own sentence.
  3. What is meant by “to leave nothing to the imagination“? “ They could always utilize a chatelaine, a decorative waist chain that leaves nothing to the imagination. Kindly write your own sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Did you ever wonder about the pocket size of your clothes? What do you think about it?
  2. What have you learned about the pocket theory?
  3. What is the significance of pockets in our clothings?
  4. Talk about similar historical practices in your nation.
  5. Will you go for a conventional or functional style? Explain your choice.
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2 replies on “The Great Pocket Conspiracy”

Discussion Questions:
1. Did you ever wonder about the pocket size of your clothes? What do you think about it?
Yes, a do. As a man we don’t usually use bag, so we put almost everything in our pants pockets or jacket pockets and the size it’s very important. Nowadays with the introduction of smartphone and because them are bigger and bigger you realize the importance of size of the pocket to carry them out.
2. What have you learned about the pocket theory?
A lot about the history of the pockets and also the invention of the bag industry. At the end you realize that the gender role has a key role in everything and you can understand how the equality female-male affect everything in our society and that include eve the size of a pocket.
3. What is the significance of pockets in our clothings?
I think is important for practical purposes. In my case, I don’t like to wear backpacks, neither any kind of bag, etc… so I need to put my money, credits card, I mean, my wallet, my cell phone, etc., into my pockets…
4. Talk about similar historical practices in your nation.
Well, it’s very similar to what the talked about in the video. Right now as women became more independents, more equals to men, the fashion have changed, men and women wear similar clothes, etc… But even though there is still a way differentiation between men and woman in the way we dress, in the colours we use, in the outfit we use, etc.. Even today, for instance, in the 21ts century, in the society where the gender equality are most advance, men don’t dress pink clothes, don’t use skirts (at least you are Scottish), men don’t use bag (at least you are CR), etc.. Fashion industry is so mighty and the would do wherever they can to preserve this and earning a lot of money… money matters.

5. Will you go for a conventional or functional style? Explain your choice.
Well I would rather prefer to go to a style functional but stylish, sometime the functional style have put apart the fashion and I think it is important to take care of produce beautiful things.

You always do the best you can when it comes to your writing exercise. Keep at it!

For better expression, see how you can write this one:

Well I would rather prefer to go to a style functional but stylish, sometime the functional style have put apart the fashion and I think it is important to take care of produce beautiful things.

Well I would rather prefer to go to for a style that is not only functional, but also stylish. Sometimes, the functional style have puts the fashion apart and I think it is important to take care of make sure we produce beautiful things.

Continue doing this activity to keep improving your skills.

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