Three-Parent Baby

B2 – Upper Intermediate

The joy of having a child is immeasurable and it is what most couples look forward to. However, there are situations when couples could not possibly have a normal and healthy offspring due to the genetic disorder of one of the would-be parents. Science has found the answer, but are parents willing to replace their genes with another person’s to conceive a healthy child?

Let’s learn more about the three-parent baby.

Discussion Questions:

1. How does the three-parent baby work?

2. Why is there a need for a three-parent baby technique?

3. What is your stand on this issue? Do you think it is morally acceptable to undergo this process?

Aging Cure

C1 – Advanced

Aging is inevitable and is associated with changes in our biological, physiological, and behavioral being. Scientists are doing their best to unravel all aging mysteries to come up with an antidote. If scientists discovered a cure for aging, would you take it?

Let’s watch the video to check the discoveries that might benefit us:

Discussion Questions:

1. What 3 tools are scientists experimenting with?
2. Do you think humans will ever be able to stop aging?
3. Would you volunteer for a trial?
4. How long do you want to live?
5. How are senior citizens viewed in your country?

Historic Landing on the Dark Side of the Moon

B2 – Upper Intermediate

The first country to successfully launch a probe on the dark side of the moon that is never visible from the earth is China. The moon has been one of the subjects of human research and explorations for centuries. How will this great technological feat impact our space explorations in the future?

Read on to find out more about China’s successful moon mission.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are the things that you know about the moon?
  2. How big of an achievement do you think this is?
  3. What are the pros and cons of creating settlements on the moon?
  4. What do you think the future of space exploration will be?
  5. How interesting is the idea of settling in outer space for you?

What Would Happen If the Earth Stopped Spinning?

C1 – Advanced

The earth rotates at 1,000 miles per hour. Can you imagine what might occur if the earth were to slow down or stop spinning altogether?

Watch this video to find out what scientists think would happen in the event that our planet suddenly stands still.


Discussion Questions:

1. Explain the video in your own words.

2. What does tidal locking mean? What will happen if earth gets locked to the sun?

3. What are your thoughts about this scenario? Do you think it is likely to happen?

4. In general, what do you think about the universe?

How Do Vampire Bats Survive on Blood?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Have you ever wondered how vampire bats live? Scientists have recently discovered how these “flying mice” can survive on a blood-only diet.

Watch the video to find out more about these creatures and also learn some vocabulary associated with their “bloody” lifestyle.

Discussion Questions:

1. According to the video, how do vampire bats live only on blood?

2. What comes to mind when you hear the words “vampire”, “bats” and “blood”?

3. Do you know of any vampire legends/folk stories from your country? Tell us about them.

Cryogenic Freezing

C1 – Advanced

Cryogenic freezing is a technique used to store a person’s body at an extremely low temperature with the hope of one day reviving it. If someone has died from a disease or condition that is currently incurable, they can be “frozen” and then revived in the future when a cure has been discovered. This technique is already being performed today, but the technology behind it is still in its infancy.

The idea of preserving a person’s body at very low temperatures in the hope that it will be restored by future medical technology has been a staple of science fiction. But could cryonics be a genuine way of being brought back to life years into the future?

Watch the video and be able to answer the questions that follow:

Discussion Questions:

  1. According to the video, how is the cryonic process performed?
  2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of cryogenic freezing?
  3. How do you feel about cryogenic freezing?
  4. Would you undergo such process in the hope of finding a cure to your incurable disease?

Designer Babies

B2 – Upper Intermediate

A designer baby is one whose genetic makeup has been selected in order to get a particular trait or remove a particular defect in the baby’s gene. It has become an increasingly popular procedure since it helps couples with infertility-related issues. The practice pre-selects before implantation. This procedure allows couples to screen viable embryos for various genetic traits, such as potential diseases the embryo could have and other traits that the embryo would likely attain before implanting them into the mother’s womb.

Since this has been created, it has caused uproar throughout the scientific community as to whether it is an ethical procedure or not. There are many questions that have been brought up, but these are very difficult to answer. Should there be designers babies?

Watch the video and be ready to answer the questions that follow:

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think of Designer Babies?
  2. What are the benefits and drawbacks of pre-implantation genetic screening?
  3. Would you be willing to undergo this procedure? Why or why not?

Is This the Safest Place in the World?

C1 – Advanced

Climate change is a hotly debated topic in many nations across the world. For some, the impact of this phenomenon is something to be seriously dealt with. This is why a group of concerned individuals built a special vault in order to prepare for climate change and it’s consequences.

Watch the video below to find out more.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is this special vault for? Describe what it looks like.
  2. Do you think that this vault is necessary? Why or why not?
  3. Can you think of other extreme measures that people are trying to do in order to battle climate change?

What If You Never Learned Anything?

C1 – Advanced

Critical period is a period during someone’s development in which a particular skill or characteristic is believed to be most readily acquired. What if we passed the critical period without learning a language? Can we not teach an old dog new tricks? Watch the video and find out.

Discussion Questions:

1. Why is it important to learn a lot of things during the critical period?

2. What skills did you learn during your critical period? What skills did you learn passed the critical period?

3. What is something you have always wanted to learn but never got the chance to do so?

4. What did you first learn from your parents?

5. As a parent (future parent), how would you guide your child in his/her critical period?

6. Would you allow your child to be a human subject in a scientific research?

What Causes Insomnia?

Do you struggle to go to sleep even though you are tired? Or do you wake up in the middle of the night and lie awake for hours, tossing and turning, anxiously checking the clock?

Insomnia is a very common problem and most of us experience this some time in our lives.

So what is insomnia? Is there any way to break the cycle?

Watch the video as Dan Kwartler details the science of insomnia.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What keeps you up at night?
  2. Do you have difficulty falling asleep?
  3. What are some ways to help you fall asleep easily?
  4. How do you feel when you suffer from Insomnia? How do you cope with it?