The Likely Cause of Addiction

C1 – Advanced

What comes to your mind when you hear “drug addiction”? This article discusses a very different approach in understanding the causes of drug addiction, claiming that “almost everything we have been told about addiction is wrong.”

Read the article below then express your thoughts.

The Likely Cause of Addiction Has Been Discovered, and It Is Not What You Think


1. Explain Professor Alexander’s theory on drug addiction. Do you agree or disagree with it?
2. What do you think are some reasons people become addicted to drugs?
3. How do we help people with such ordeals?
4. What do you think of what Portugal did in order to solve their problems with drug addiction in the country?
5. How serious is the drug problem in your country? How does the government deal with it?

The Age We Start Losing Friends

C1 – Advanced

Have you ever heard of the saying, “A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out”? A psychological research revealed that people start losing friends earlier than we thought. Our social circle actually starts to shrink when we reach 25.

Read the article below to know more of the facts about people and relationships.

Discussion Questions:

1. Do we need a lot of friends? How many friends do you think one needs to have?
2. What do you think are the reasons why we start losing friends at a certain point in our lives?
3. Why do you think women keep more friends even as they age compared to men?
4. What’s your thought on this statement: “Social media may well be changing friendship.”?
5. How do you stay in touch with friends?

Beat a Bully Without Using your Fists

C1 – Advanced

Bullying is becoming alarmingly widespread. Schools and the government have started to get involved. Watch the video below to know how a person is affected by bullying and what people can do to cope and protect themselves.


1. According to the video, why are people bullied?
2. What facts did you gather from the video about bullying?
3. How are people bullied?
4. What is the effect of bullying to the victim?
5. How can we beat a bully without using a fist?

Looks aren’t Everything

C1 – Advanced

Looks aren’t everything. Image is powerful.

Let’s pay attention and listen to a talk by Cameron Russell.


1. What does the speaker mean when she says “People are paying for how they look not on what they are.”?
2. Why do you think the speaker says that she’s really insecure?
3. How is media affecting our ideas of beauty?
4. Aside from beauty, what else did the speaker talk about?

Women Wearing Cosmetics Are Paid More

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Do looks really matter? Apparently, they do. A recent study conducted by the University of Chicago and University of California reveals that attractive employees tend to get paid more.

Read the article below and be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Is it right that attractive people get paid more? Defend your stand.
    Are you very particular when it comes to clothes or beauty products?
  2. How is beauty defined in your society?
  3. How important is looks in your job?
  4. Are your colleagues particular about how you look and what you wear?
  5. Is there a dress code in your office or can you wear whatever you wish?

Anger Over Racist Chinese Advertisement

B2 – Upper intermediate

TV advertisements have very big impact on people. The are able to persuade their audience to buy certain products. The catchier the ad, the more it will be remembered.

One specific Chinese advert made an impact on a lot of people. Specifically because it hit a nerve and was branded a racist.

Anger over racist Chinese advert


1. What did you think of the advertisement? Do you think it was funny at all?
2. Do you think that the advertsing agnecy failed to be sensitive or were they just being funny?
3. Do you agree that there is a bit of a racist in each one of us?

High Cost of Illegal Immigration

C1 – Advanced

Illegal, and sometimes legal, immigration has become a hot topic for quite a while. There seems to be no best solution to this issue.

Watch the video below then express your thoughts about it.


1. Is illegal immigration a problem in your country?
2. In your own understanding, how does illegal immigration affect a country?
3. Define “Illegal Alien”.
4. Illegal immigrants have high hopes to get that “Big American Dream”. By this sentence, do you think America is the best country to live in? Why or why not?

Children and Guns in the US

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Gun ownership has always been vital in the American Society. Almost each household owns a gun and this is perfectly legal. Americans use it for protection. However, there are accidents resulting to gun ownership and it is quite alarming, especially if children are involved.

Read the article about the rise of shooting incidents that involve young children in the US and be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your reaction to this news?
  2. Is owning a gun ever necessary in every household? Share your opinion.
  3. How can gun owners ensure that children are out of harm’s way?
  4. Is there any prohibition in the Spanish law regarding gun ownership? Speak about it.
  5. Why do you think the United States is having an increasing issue with guns?

Food Theft ‘Not a Crime’

B2 – Upper Intermediate

An Italian court has ruled that stealing a small amount of food due to starvation is not a crime. A man’s sentence was overturned because his lawyer argued that he only committed the crime out of desperation.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you agree with this Italian court ruling? Why or why not?
  2. What are the good things and consequences of the said ruling?
  3. What should be done with people who are caught stealing food?
  4. What do people in your country do when they are starving and don’t have any money to buy food?

Musician Cancels Show Over Transgender Law


B2 – Upper intermediate

Bruce Springsteen, a famous rock musician cancelled a concert in North Carolina, because of the state’s laws on transgender issues. He’s one of the many artists who are fighting against discrimination and partiality.

Read the article below and express your thoughts about the issue.

Discussion Questions:

1. Are transgender people socially accepted in your country?
2. Have you heard of any act of discrimination against them?
3. Should transgenders be given equal rights in the society?