Video: Korea’s Next Generation Shunning Marriage

C1 – Advanced

South Korea is traditionally conservative when it comes to marriage. If a woman is still unmarried by the age of 24, she is judged by other people. However, present-day Korean women now marry later or not at all.

Watch the video below and find out the reasons why the younger generation is shunning marriage.

South Korea’s next generation is shunning marriage


1. What are your thoughts on extravagant single woman bridal shoot?
2. What are the social stigma in your country about single women?
3. What are the reasons younger people shun marriage?
4. Is it possible to be single and happy?

Corruption Busting Is Her Game

B2 – Upper Intermediate

A 23- year old woman investigates corruption and manages an organization’s digital communications platform. She’s trying to build an international community of online corruption fighters.  It’s a space where people share evidence of graft, and where the corrupt are named and shamed.

Read the article about Kavisha Pillay’s work with Corruption Watch and be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What can you say about Kavisha Pillay’s idea and actions?
  2. Would you be courageous enough to join her in cyber space to fight against corruption?
  3. Do you think the idea of naming and shaming will be as effective as hoped? Why or why not?
  4. What else can concerned citizens do to help curb or stop corruption?

Video: Information the Gun Industry Won’t Tell

B2 – Upper intermediate

Gun control varies around the world.  Some countries impose stringent distribution and use of guns while others don’t. How about in your country?  What information do you know about the gun industry?

Watch the video and find out some interesting facts. Click CC on the video to watch with subtitles.

Five Things the Gun Industry Won’t Tell You


1. Explain the information given in the video.
2. What question/s do you have about the gun industry?
3. Is gun control a controversy in your country?
4. Would you like to own a gun? Have you tried firing one before?

Denver Allows Pot in Bars and Restaurants

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Smoking pot. It’s been a controversial and long-running issue in the United States. But the city of Denver is trying to move forward albeit with some challenges.

Read the article about Denver becoming the first city to allow marijuana in bars and restaurants.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Explain the situation of Denver when it comes to smoking marijuana? How different is it from Amsterdam?
  2. What is the intention of legalizing marijuana in bars and restaurants?
  3. What is your take on legalizing marijuana?
  4. How do you feel about legalizing other practices such as prostitution and illegal drug use?

What Schools Should Do About Bullying


C1 – Advanced

Used to be that bullying ended when one was off school premises. However, with the ubiquitous nature of social media and mobile technology, more and more students are subject to bullying even within the confines of their homes.

Read about one country’s educational system’s efforts to address the problem that is bullying.

What you should expect your school to do about bullying


1. In your opinion, which is worst: bullying in person, or bullying online? Why do you think so?
2. Do schools and universities in your country have a clear policy in regard to dealing with bullying among students?
3. Do schools or universities in your country educate or inform children about bullying?

The 2 Euro T-Shirt – A Social Experiment

B1 – Intermediate

A nice t-shirt for only 2 euros sounds like a really good bargain. But, is it really?

Watch the video and discover why this “good buy” comes at a cost for the lowly third world sewers who make them.

Discussion Questions:

1. When buying clothes, what things do you consider?
2. What do you think can be done to help improve the situation of sweatshop workers in third world countries?
3. Is there an advocacy or cause that you support? If you do, explain why you support it.

Video: Germans Give Warm Welcome to Migrants

B2 – Upper intermediate

September of 2015, Germans gave a warm welcome to migrants and refugees who reached Munich. They are willing to help them have a decent home and education but the growing number of migrants and refugees is also alarming on their part.

Watch the video and express your thoughts.

Germans give warm welcome to migrants


1. Are there any Syrian refugees in Spain?
2. What is your opinion about the issue as a European?
3. To what extent should people do their social humanitarian responsibility?

Are They Migrants or Refugees?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

By definition, an immigrant is someone from a foreign country who relocates to live in another country. The European migrant crisis is surging and EU is struggling to respond to this.

Listen to the audio and read the transcript whether they should be considered as migrants or refugees.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are the similarities and differences of migrants and refugees?
  2. What’s your take on the migrant crisis?
  3. If given the chance, what kind of help would you give?
  4. Do you think Syrian refugees will be able to call Europe their new home?

Turkey Allows Schools to Teach Kurdish

B2 – Upper intermediate

Minority groups all over the world are given their rights and privileges. But how far is a government willing to go to make them feel part of the society?

Read the article below and be ready to express your thoughts by answering the discussion questions.

Turkey allows schools to teach Kurdish


1. What is the importance of allowing Kurdish to be taught in schools in Turkey? How significant is it?
2. What are the different minority groups in your country?
3. Is your country fair in giving rights to citizens belonging to minority groups?

Trafficked into Prostitution

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Human trafficking, by definition, is the trade of humans, mostly for the purpose of sexual slavery, forced labor or commercial sexual exploitation for the trafficker or others. Millions of people are being trafficked at any given time.  Prostitution is akin to trafficking and is a social problem difficult to abolish.

Watch the video to know about Ope’s story then read the article for extra information.

Discussion Questions:

  1. It is said that “Prostitution is the world’s oldest profession.” Would you agree or disagree?
  2. What are your thoughts on human trafficking and prostitution?
  3. How big a problem is prostitution for a country?
  4. Should prostitution be legalized? Explain your stance.