United States Falling Behind in Women’s Rights

B2 – Upper Intermediate

A recent report showed that while women in the United States are generally treated better than women in other countries, there are still a few areas where gender inequality exists.

Watch the following video then express your opinions.


Discussion Questions:

  1. According to the video, in what specific areas do American women lag behind their foreign counterparts when it comes to gender equality?
  2. Based on the video, what countries are leading the way in terms of women’s rights?
  3. On a scale of 1 to 10 (ten being the highest), how would you rate your country’s efforts to provide better opportunities for its women?

The Danger of a Single Story

C2 – Proficient

Critical misunderstanding is the product of a single story. Our perception of someone or another culture can be from overlapping stories . Novelist Chimamanda Adichie narrates how she found her cultural voice and warns us of the danger of hearing only a single story about another person or country.


1. Who are some of the famous local authors or novelists that you know of?
2. What are some of the novels that you like? International?
3. What do you know about the continent Africa? What countries in Africa have you been to?
4. What are some of the stereotypes of your country that you know of?


The Widening Aisle Of Interracial Marriages

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Multicultural marriages have been more popular than ever. Many reasons have been attributed in seeking partners from another country.

Let’s know more about real people’s accounts. How are they managing their relationship?


Discussion Questions:

1. How are interracial and multicultural marriages viewed in your country?
2. Do you have friends or know anyone who married someone of a different race or culture?
3. In your opinion, what are some of the challenges that couples of mixed marriages face?

Beyonce Leaked Photos

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Unedited images of Beyonce have circulated over the Internet showing the famous singer’s natural looks.  Reactions to the leaked photos have been mixed, and discussions have begun anew regarding the representation of women in television and print media.

Watch the video and be ready to express your thoughts about this topic.


Discussion Questions:

  1. According to one interview in the video, what were the reactions to Beyonce’s unedited photos? What is your opinion on the photo?
  2. How does photo editing in advertisements affect women’s self-image?
  3. Where do you stand on editing photos that are published for the public?
  4. Why do you think celebrity photos are often edited?
  5. Should we edit the selfies that we upload to social network sites? Why or why not?

ATM Thefts Becoming a Common Crime

B2 – Upper Intermediate

People will do anything for money. That includes stealing a cash machine.

In Iowa, for instance, this type of incident is on the rise.

Read the article about the rising incidents of ATM thefts.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think are the reasons cash machine thefts are becoming common?
  2. Share some ways on how this kind of incidents can be prevented.
  3. Talk about any ATM/bank related-crimes in your country or the world that you know of.
  4. In your opinion, are ATMs still relevant these days?

Myth about Phone Privacy

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Selfies and social networks have become ubiquitous in today’s modern world.

Just how secure are mobile phones and social media platforms?  With so much information being self-disclosed by millions of tech users globally, answers pertaining to data collection and use and safeguards for data protection should be everyone’s concern.

Read the article, and weigh in with your ideas on the issue.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What information can hackers get from people’s use of smartphones and social networks?
  2. Do you read the Privacy Policy of each social network that you sign up for? Why or why not?
  3. According to the article, what can you do to safeguard your privacy online?
  4. Do the advantages of using social networks and smartphone applications outweigh the risk of online information leaks? Explain.
  5. Share your thought on this: “As a fundamental rule remember this: if you don’t want information like your photos to end up in unwanted hands, then don’t send it.“.
  6. Talk about any privacy issues you’ve had using your phone or social media websites. How did you deal with/resolve it?

Bullying Killed a Teen

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Some people feel good when they bully others. They think they can gain friends by doing it or that their images will be elevated without realizing the dangers bullying can cause.

Read the article and watch the video to have a wider insight about bullying.


Discussion Questions:

  1. In your opinion, has bullying gotten worse over the years? Explain.
  2. How can we eliminate bullying?
  3. How are schools in your country dealing with bullying?
  4. Do you think there are enough laws in your country against bullying? Why or why not?
  5. What is the best punishment if someone committed it?

Censorship and Freedom of Speech


B2 – Upper-intermediate

The world was shocked  when a Paris publication was attacked and resulted in the death of 12 people. This particular event leads a debate towards freedom of speech.


Discussion Questions:

1. What is your opinion about freedom of speech?
2. Is it dangerous to be aggressive when you are a member of the press?
3. How do limits play a role in freedom of expression?

Victims of Cosmetic Surgery

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Being beautiful gives you a lot of advantages. It boosts confidence and people seem to trust you more. In some job applications, they prefer to hire people who are more good looking. But how far you will go to be beautiful?

Read the article below and be prepared to express your thoughts.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your reaction to this news?
  2. What is your personal definition of beauty?
  3. How important is beauty to you?
  4. What do you do in order to be beautiful or presentable?
  5. How far are you willing to go to be beautiful or to change your physical appearance?
  6. Is plastic surgery common in your country? Why or why not?

Are We Less Smarter Now?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

A research suggests that humans have become less smarter since the Victorian Era. In  this article, it explains how and why human intelligence has declined over the past years.

Read the article below and watch the two videos included in the article.


Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you agree that people have already reached their intellectual peak? Why or why not?
  2. Aside from those stated in the article, what other factors do you think cause or can cause the decline of intelligence?
  3. Do you agree that people today are becoming less intelligent? Why or why not?
  4. What do you think can be done to improve intelligence today?